Transplant Next Week With Dr Peter Williams


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Hi guys,

I'm 21 years old. Been floating around here for about a year and finally decided to share my story- as many of you know it's a lot harder than it sounds. Been losing my hair slowly since about 16 or 17 and went through periods of using Regaine but never kept it up until 2010. Started to use the foam properly about 5 months ago religiously and while I'm not seeing any results as such hopefully it is helping to slow it down. Started on Propecia about 3 months ago- I've opted to take half a tablet per day (0.5mg) for 6 months, my thinking was that hopefully it would reduce DHT enough to halt the hair loss without giving me any sides... if it doesn't show any signs of slowing after 6 months, I still have enough 1mg for another 3 months so I'll start on that and give that a shot! So far experiencing minor side effects but they seem to be very infrequent- sometimes erections are not as hard as they were previously, but I do think a lot of that is mental too- I was worried sick before I went on the tablets, but now I've come to terms with them and the sides seem to have subsided (I know a lot of posters on here will disagree but this is my personal experience).

I'm booked in for a hair transplant next week with Dr Peter Williams of the Hospital Group. This was on the recommendation of a friend of the family who had went through Hospital Group and experienced good results. I'm now seeing a lot of negative feedback about some surgeons who were previously on Hospital Group's books here, but the general consensus on this and other forums seems to be no "horror stories" from Williams himself, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that it goes well. I saw a lot of negative posts about the old London Hospital Group clinic- I am having my surgery done in the Birmingham Stoney Lane Clinic, so I'm praying that this will be okay. Has anyone on here had any experience directly with Dr Peter Williams and/or the Hospital Group Birmingham Clinic? If so I'd like to hear it all, negative or positive. I booked this prior to their affiliation with Ziering Medical who seem to have a better reputation, and they told me recently that Ziering has retrained their surgeons personally with all the new equipment and techniques- has anyone had surgery with the new Ziering Medical UK group recently?

My one major worry is that I have to go back to work 9 days after my surgery, and hopefully I can get the stitches taken out a day early. Any recommendations for aftercare and quick healing? My hair is reasonably long at the moment so hoping that will help to hide the scarring!

As with all forums- I know photos are key. I am going to try and post photos a few days prior to my surgery, and then 1 week after, as well as a few months after because I feel like people on here just post pre-surgery and then 6 months later... which is not the part I'm worried about.

Fingers crossed this all goes well guys. I am more fortunate than many of the cases on here and still have a decent head of hair so hopefully this can solve my problems and relieve the stress in my life. Finally- I'd appreciate ANY feedback, help and advice with this, and will try my best to keep an eye on the forum and answer any questions myself.

El Nino

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Cancel and do a lot more research! Twenty one is a bit young for hair transplant surgery. If you go through with this I'm pretty sure you will live to regret it.


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Hi guys thanks for the feedback. They said the stitches would be able to be taken out after 10 days, so surely that would be most of the healing done in that area? Or am I missing something there? I'm also not talking total recovery by any means- I have enough existing hair to be able to cover it and am only getting a transplant in the hairline area, so basically I'm just wondering about redness/healing?


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And with regards to the "too young" part- I can see where you're coming from, but to be honest I don't want to be one of those guys who has lost most of their hair and tries to scrape it all back... I just want to have normal hair for someone my age, so hoping the drugs/foam can help me maintain that and I can get back the hair lost with the transplant. That's my thinking anyway :)


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Everything about this screams bad idea. You clearly did'nt research this properly.


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Not entirely true SAF but thanks for your concern all the same. It's more I am on a tighter schedule than I had been when I initially booked it with getting back to work. I have seen from your previous posts that you are far from an advocate of Hospital Group, and I'm sure you have your reasons for that but I was just wondering- have you ever seen any evidence/talk of a bad job from Dr Williams? Truthfully I can't find any on the internet at all which is reassuring considering the guy has done "thousands" according to the Ziering site. I'm not saying this in any way qualifies him to be spoken in the same breath as the "top surgeons" in the US/Europe but it certainly would suggest to me that he hasn't "butchered" anyone.

Out of interest too- I saw on your profile you are on finasteride 0.5mg, have you had much success with this as I have been following a similar regimen for 3 months with very low sides but no benefits yet? Going to stick with it :)


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i would listen to saf,you are very young to have a transplant and having 1 in england is a recipe for disaster,i would go to a north america for the work even if it costs more,i would not let the hospital group even brush my teeth never mind a transplant,i feel you will regret this if you go ahead with it


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Hospital group are an amatuer bunch. They employ surgeons who are not specialists in hair transplant but are just general cosmetic surgeons. I'd bet my *** that this Williams guy (who I've never heard of) spends most of his time doing lipo and boob jobs but is'nt afraid to have a go at a hair transplant when the money is offered to him.
Having a hair transplant by someone you know nothing about is like putting all your money in the bank of Dave smith who's premises are a portacabin on some wasteground.

I went to Norton (now FUEclinics) and got my first hair transplant done by a guy who I later found out was'nt a real surgeon at all he just worked in a A+E dept.

You need to have a real consult with a well respected surgeon not some salesman from a dodgy cosmetic chain who knows nothing and is only interested in getting your deposit.

You are risking your looks here and its almost certain that you'll need to see another surgeon to try and fix any work that this Williams guy does.

Re the finasteride I did 1mg for a couple of years but it does'nt seem to have done anything.

If you only need hairline work done then strip is a bad idea you should opt for Fue and you really need about 3wks off work if you want to get away with it undetected. And at 21 if you already have a decent amount of loss getting a hair transplant could be a bad idea altogether.
Put up some pics so we can see.


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I do see your point but I did check the guy's credentials previously. Are there any alarm bells with any of these in your opinion S.A.F? I think cancelling this would lose me a total £750 so at this stage I'd be slightly apprehensive about that.

Dr. Peter Williams, MBBCh(Wales) BSc MSc (Oxon) ... search.htm

Dr Williams
Registered Memberships:
General Medical Council (GMC no 3545465)
European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ESHRS)
International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)
Career Summary:
Degree in Medicine MBBCh
University of Wales College of Medicine (1991)
Graduated in General Practice (1996)
Further Surgical training King Edward VII Hospital Bermuda
Medical Practitioner British Armed Forces UK and Germany
Began cosmetic/aesthetic dermatology and facial rejuvenation treatments in 2001
Began working for The Hospital Group in Hair Restoration Surgery in 2005
Career encompasses Aesthetic Medicine, General Practice and Hair Restoration
Particular interest in the Physiology of Hair Loss
Dr Williams is an experienced Cosmetic Physician and Hair Transplant Surgeon


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For the love of all that is holy....PLEASE RECONSIDER! You need to spend MUCH more time thinking this through and planning.

Have you ever stopped to think about what happens to the rest of your hair if finasteride/Rogaine don't slow down the loss? NOTHING HAPPENS! They will continue to fall out. In 3 years you'll have an island of hair around your hairline, and you won't even be able to shave your head because of the nasty scar that is going to be left behind!

Please, please, please, please hold off on this.


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21liquourice said:
I do see your point but I did check the guy's credentials previously. Are there any alarm bells with any of these in your opinion S.A.F? I think cancelling this would lose me a total £750 so at this stage I'd be slightly apprehensive about that.

Dr. Peter Williams, MBBCh(Wales) BSc MSc (Oxon) ... search.htm

Dr Williams
Registered Memberships:
General Medical Council (GMC no 3545465)
European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ESHRS)
International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)
Career Summary:
Degree in Medicine MBBCh
University of Wales College of Medicine (1991)
Graduated in General Practice (1996)
Further Surgical training King Edward VII Hospital Bermuda
Medical Practitioner British Armed Forces UK and Germany
Began cosmetic/aesthetic dermatology and facial rejuvenation treatments in 2001
Began working for The Hospital Group in Hair Restoration Surgery in 2005
Career encompasses Aesthetic Medicine, General Practice and Hair Restoration
Particular interest in the Physiology of Hair Loss
Dr Williams is an experienced Cosmetic Physician and Hair Transplant Surgeon

Hair transplantation is a very specialised field there are several 1000's worldwide who have been trained to do it but about 95% dont do it well.
Names like Feller, Rahal, Shapiro, Hassan and Wong have performed 1000's of ops and have proven themselves to have the experience and skill required. They can show you 100's of great examples of their work and put you in touch with dozens of satified former patients.

Unless this unknown surgeon can offer you the same I would leave it, he's probably only done a handful of ops.
You've already made a big mistake by not researching this enough dont make another one by going through with it.
If this guy messes up you are going to be left with a bad result and scarred for life. You'll then have to go to a decent surgeon who will have to attempt to undo the damage all the while you will have wasted donor hair.
As I mentioned before any surgeon who's advising you to have strip for a small amount of hairline recession at 21 yrs old does'nt have your best interests at heart.


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Cancel and look into a decent doctor who has their name on the door.#
Also 9 days is no where near enough recovery from a STRIP.


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I'm willing to bet he went through with it despite the warnings. Oh well, hopefully it turns out much better than we thought it would.


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I had an op done at 20 in the UK also.

I don't regret it, because I got lucky and actually got a decent result from the Norton Clinic, but knowing what I know now? I would NEVER get a hair transplant done in the UK. Definitely not with a relative unknown.

And I would also not get a strip procedure. You can achieve just as good results with FUE, you recover more quickly, and you aren't left with a scar so you can always shave your head if your hair gets worse later on.

You seriously need to cancel this, book the Eurostar to Brussels and see some reputable surgeons. You can still get the op you want, but you wont cause yourself future problems in the process. £750 is nothing.