Transplanted hairs too coarse/thick in shaft compared to surroundings


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Hello, i had a hair transplant1,5 years ago. All was ok, until 1 year everything was fine, the thin areas were nicely filling in. But after 1 year the transplanted hairs became too thick and coarse, and now they look unnatural. What is the cause of this, and is there a solution to "soften" them?
I mean, it's logical for transplanted hair to be thicker than the existing hair in the front(which is miniaturised to some degree), but these are simply too,too thick and coarse, and hard to style.
Which is kind of strange, i remember my surgeon telling me that my hair in donor area is not so thick in caliber), and now they are super-super thick. Why are they now, almost thicker than in donor area?
And what solutions do i have to soften them?
From what i read on the net, some sources say that it may be only temporary, and the hairs are going to get more "normal" in a couple of years, but others say that it is not true.
Other people suggeste plucking them(so they grow back thinner and more normal), or even apply laser on them, but of course these are very controversial and i won' do such.
Did other people with hair transplant have the same problem? Too thick hairs in transplanted area?
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So your hair unreceeded to the point where it's thicker than the rest? kinda ironic or whatever


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Come on guys, it's simple and i can't believe nobody has this issue after a hair transplant.
So, basically, in the fron , before hair transplant you have either no hair, or very thin hair.
Then you move some super-healthy hairs from the back, it's clear that they will grow as strong as in the back, thus making some contrast to the hair existing in the front(if any in that area, cause transplant is not only for slick bald areas), or the hair surrounding.
That's what i am talking about.
Yes, my areas in temples now appear thicker than the rest of center in front and above. No, it's not ironic, because it doesn't look natural. I'm sure you think "look at this crazy guy, he got thickr hair than he expected and he's not happy", but beileve me, it doesn't look ok to me. Thick hair is ok if it's uniform, but thick hair, and imemdiately near, thin hair, is unnatural.
And nobody explained me this, before hair transplant. I was all the time thinking of how good it will be if in my almost-empty temples would be some hair, but i believed that the hair the surgeon will put there will look the same in caliber as the hair in nearby areas. Ok, not just exactly, but not a huge difference, like it is now.

Even when it grew, in months 6-12, it looked perfect, i was super-happy. But , after 12 months the transplanted hairs in temples just got very very thick in caliber and now it just looks odd and unnatural.
Having super-strong hairs like pencil leads, and around fine old existing hair is not right, to me...
Of course, not ALL the transplanted hairs are like pencil leads, but a part of them, and i really need to cut them very very short, almost at the scalp level, with a precision scissors, in order to look natural.


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Do you take min and finasteride? These will thicken your miniaturising hair so that your hair transplant will blend in. If your on finasteride, try dutasteride as I've heard its more aggressive towards hairloss.

Jason Canning

My Regimen
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I have the exact same problem. Everything was fine until month 12 then it started looking like odd. The only two solutions that I know of are the two you mentioned in your first post. I myself am plucking. I think it is helping but there is so many of these thick hairs.