Transplants and young people.


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I'm 24 years old and have been going on propecia for a year now. Since the transplant costs nothing compared to a lifetime of these pills (which cost 3 dollars a pill where I live), I was considering getting a transplant. I read on this board, however, that it's important to wait until the hair loss stabilizes before getting this surgery done, because otherwise you'll end up with a line of hair on an otherwise bald part of the head. My question is this: Can't you just get a hair transplant for the area that you think will be affected, and if you need more later, then just get another transplant for the remaining area? That way you won't have to sit around and wait to get balder just so you can see where the baldness ends, but can enjoy full hair all the time. I don't care much about scar tissue. My head's already pretty scarred from accidents when I was a kid, so shaving my head never will become an option. Besides, I enjoy having hair. I don't want to lose it.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

hair mchair

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If you advance to a Norwood 6 or 7, you will unlikely be able to get full coverage from hair transplants. The hair you have on top will be crappy see-through hair. 6000-7000 grafts - which is likely the most you'll be able to get - won't fully cover a Norwood 6 or 7 area of scalp.

However, you claim you will never be able to shave your head. So if you'd prefer to have crappy see-through hair on top to having no hair on top at all, I say go for it.

I can't tell from reading your post, but I hope you realize that you should stay on Propecia if you're going to get an hair transplant. If you stick with Propecia, chances are you might not need to get any additional hair transplant's in the future. In that case, your results might be quite good.


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Can I use a hair transplant to make my hair thicker and keep going on propecia to keep my hair that way then? Or will it eventually thin out no matter what I do?



Yes in fact they recommend that you go on it after a transplant.

Let me tell you what i think, it is your life and do what makes you the most happy if you have the money and you want to get a hair transplant go for it but pick a good doctor i have herd horror story about bad doctors.
I would rather keep my hair well i am young and if i need a transplant i will be sure to get one

Best of luck to you



skywyze said:
...... nothing compared to a lifetime of these pills (which cost 3 dollars a pill where I live)

3 dollars a day is $ 1095.00 a year !

A years supply (1mg daily dose) of Finasteride should cost you no more than $140.



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tynanW said:
skywyze said:
...... nothing compared to a lifetime of these pills (which cost 3 dollars a pill where I live)

3 dollars a day is $ 1095.00 a year !

A years supply (1mg daily dose) of Finasteride should cost you no more than $140.


:shock: uh... where do you get it at that price??? thats more or less what i pay for a 3 month supply


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Oslo, Norway - the second most expensive place to live in the entire world. Second only to Tokyo. I'll go to the US to get my pills next. I'll start studying there this fall anyway. Cause this is a total ripoff.

I've heard of a new form of hair transplant that doesn't cut the skin at all, but instead transplants individual hairs, and which therefore doesn't leave scars. But it's outrageously expensive. $12 a hair if I remember correctly. Would this be a way to permanently fix my hair? Get good hair transplanted in all the places where I will some day lose my hair?


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So let me get this straight. I know if i didnt take finasteride that i would eventually advance to a Norwood 6 or 7, because my dad is a 7 and all my uncles. My mom's side all the guys are bald too, so im f***** from both sides. So i got a hair transplant and still took finasteride then my hair will basically never stabilize until i reach the 6 or 7?