Traveling After hair transplant -- To Fly or to Drive

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So you are done with your hair transplant, after going out of state (within the US but about 10 hour drive/2 hour flight). Do you:

1) Take a flight home wearing the cap or whatever they give you and run the risk that tight airport security makes you take it off, and causes you extreme public humiliation; OR

2) Pay extra for a rental car, and set sail for a hell of a long car ride -- but free from airport embarassment, and letting your new grafts "air out"?

Do they make you take off hats at the airports, typically?

Would love to hear those with experience, or just thoughts.



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Hey man honestly depends on the airport who is working and just how they feel that day, i recently flew and two airports let me pass through wearing a ball cap and the other the smallest of the airports actually made me take it off and gave me me a pat you just never now its a random thing it seems like to me whenever i fly


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I would drive home that day/night...because if you don't sleep sitting up your face will freakishly swell up from all the blood. My neck hurts too much to not sleep lying down so I'd rather just stay awake and let the blood from the scalp (from all the needle pricks) drain properly.

If you get uber tired pull over and sleep in your car, sitting up with your head resting against the window. Probably would be the most comfortable way to sleep sitting up anyhow.


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Its a tough call and depends on the size of the procedure. It really takes a lot out of you , plus you will have to reject any offer of a Xanax if offered.

Couldn't you crash in a hotel and make your way the next day by car? Also, when placed (in my case at least ) the hat sits on top rather than a snug fit. If your FUT you will have bandages for the first night to absorb all the saline that was injected.