Tried Micro-needling And Now I'm Starting To Get Very Good Results.


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Backstory - Tried minoxidil, finasteride and Alex's method of dermarolling. Shampoo - Nizoral a couple years ago. Unsatisfactory results so stopped dermarolling, but stuck to the big 3 for more than 2 years or so.

Recently tried real micro-needling with a pen/stamp/roller(I have all three) and started seeing fantastic results in the front but a shed in the back. Front has gone absolutely crazy with full recovery very very possible. No before picture for front(maybe I can find one and I'll post if I can). Multiple before pictures of the crown.

I'll be posting updates 1st of every month.

First pictures coming tomorrow - Before pictures.
One month progress pictures - 1st July

New routine involves two back to back sessions on the weekend and recovery in weekdays. First sessions is .75mm pen and second is 1.75 mm wounding.
Nice to hear, congrats. Are you still doing finasteride and 1 dutas a week too?