Troubleshooting an itch: Laying off the Folligen for awhile


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So I've been off the Folligen spray for about 2 days now... a big reduction in my random scalp itch (usually the morning after applying Folligen spray)....

Like, random spots on my head are more itchy than others, even the sides of my head which is wierd... since I hardly apply the spray to that part of my scalp....

Then I thought it was the Propecia, maybe... since I don't use any topicals other than Folligen (and Emu or Jojoba oil)..

So I'm gonna stop with the spray for awhile, I think I need to dillute the bottle a LOT more, it's some hardcore stuff!

After a good week I'll decide if it's the Propecia upsetting my scalp or if it was indeed the Folligen spray (which is about 95% full and MILDY dilluted, still looks dank and dark)..

Gotta do the process of elimination with this, as early on as I am.. (just started 4th month on Propecia).

Keeping up with my nizoral & T-Sal rotation, and some baby shampoo at nights to wash the gel out of my hair... otherwise, pretty standard regimine for me. (No visible bald spots yet, just thinning on crown/vertex.. hairline is just fine.. course dark Italian style hair, dryish texture... need gel to style otherwise it's wolfman looking ;) )



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Hmm I get those red itchy spots also. I have noticed I only get them after a nizoral use. I suggest keeping with folligen and maybe reducing the amount of nizoral you use in a week. Sometimes a product can do more harm than good.


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Fair enough..

Today was a nizoral day and I left it in a good 8 minutes or so... and I've had a severe itch session today.. so perhaps it could be what you mentioned.

I will cut down on the nizoral, and keep the Folligen, starting now... (I just dilluted the bottle by half water half Folligen spray... and put the other half of the stuff into a clean tupperware container)..

gave myself a nice dose tonight ;)

Hope it relieves the itching !


Experienced Member
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you should notice the red spots to lesson when using less of nizoral and less often.


Experienced Member
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Why would the Nizoral cause those red spots? Isnt the reason you apply it to get rid of such scalp issues....


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Who knows man.. gotta troubleshoot this thing and see what is causing what.

I didn't have any itching a few months back before starting to take Propecia and use Folligen and use Nizoral..

So it has to be one of those things causing the itch..

I even get itch spots on places that I'm not thinning... like the side right above my ear.. and on the back of my neck..

That's why I think it is the Propecia mainly, but I wanna troubleshoot.

Nobody can ever tell me for certain if finasteride can cause scalp inflammation/irritation/itchiness or not...