Truckers may not sleep with the airconditioning on in all 50


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In the name of fighting global warming, Congress has strong armed all 50 states into passing legislation to keep truckers from using APU's or any other idling engines from producing A/C while the truckers sleep and rest 10 or 34 hours as mandated by law. If they are 10 minutes from a motel, they legally must stop where they are.

Most motels do not have the parking space for semi trucks, and are expensive, and there are probably not enough motels for all the truckers.

This summer, one trucker died from sleeping in a 140+ degree cab since he chose to obey the law and not turn on his A/C.

IMO, anyone who is against truck idling should not buy anything that was transported on a truck, such as groceries and just about everything else. Hypocrats want to buy stuff, but they don't care who dies for it to get to them. If there was a dog in the truck, they'd stage a huge protest over it dying. But they don't care about truckers.

I was going to go into the industry, but not anymore. I don't want to get hit with a $1,000 fine every time I need to sleep. Even teams have to take 34 hours off each week. The only reason shi+ has not hit the fan yet is police are not writing tickets most of the time. They know the feds forced it, and they don't like it. Only a small number write tickets. But some do.

It bothers me that I don't even have the opportunity to weigh a load before I take it. If I want a load, they give it to me, and if it is too heavy, the driver is the one who gets fined. They should fine the people who packed it, since they know how much is in it. Why do they fine the drivers? The drivers don't make much, yet they pay a lot in fines. Local governments know a driver is too busy in another state to return to fight the fine, and spend too much time on the road to stage a law suit. Fines are just about cowardly revenue generation.

Yeah, so I was going to go into the industry, but not any more. I heard they are hiring people with a clean record, but not felons.

And one other gripe: during the winter time, they schedule you to go through icy mountain roads at night, even when it is snowing. You have the right to go around the mountain on the freeway, 200 miles out of the way, but they will not pay you for the extra miles. Their shortest route calculations through horrible routes they know you will not take are just ways for them to get free miles off of you, and they do this often, like 3x per week.

I'd love to see all the major truck companies (not drivers) go on strike. No freight moved in the country until these dumb laws are changed. Some smaller companies would pick up 10% of the slack. But stores would be empty in 4 days or less. What could they do? Manufacture new cabs overnight and train people with class A license over night to break the strike? The rigs are the property of the company, so any driver who tried to drive would be driving stolen property if they disobeyed the companies. I strongly believe that people are not slaves, and have a right to go on strike. They do not have a right to sign contracts or make someone else sign contracts under duress. But they do have the right to strike for some temporary rule changes. But to congress, truckers are just slaves whom they trust will keep doing the labor even if they must sleep in 140 degree heat.


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I'm against monopolies and all. But what if the distributers decided to fight back against the truckers by letting all the small companies know they'd hire their trucks instead of the major ones as trucks were available, and to make more. They could gradually phase out the big ones who went on strike. What if the big ones went on strike again, and said, "hire all our trucks, same as before, instead of these others, or we are going on strike again." That would be their only defense against going out of business. But it would be a monopoly practice. Would it be right? Should government be allowed to step in and order them to work, say "slave, you have to move that freight whether you want to or not. You can't make up these conditions like this."

Well, the big carriers could then offer bulk rates:
You hire X of our trucks, you get one rate per truck.
YOu hire 5 less than X, the price is double.

If you let the big guys do this, they can drive out all competition easily and exploit the distributers. If you do not let them, then they can be replaced easily and truckers exploited by the global warming people who do not care about cab warming.


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What about refrigeration trucks..............................


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They can only refridgerate while the truck is moving. Dumb. That is what the law says specifically. How much it will be enforced is another issue.


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You are just nitpicking to shoot holes in something so you can continue to be lazy. You don't even live in a state where it snows, so how the hell do you know anything about truckers driving in the snow?

1. They all have chains
2. They all know how to drive 10x better than the rest of the population does


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CCS said:
Yeah, so I was going to go into the industry, but not any more. I heard they are hiring people with a clean record, but not felons.

since when is CCS a felon..?

I thought you where in the process of getting an engeneering degree (chemistry)....?


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Come to Britain and do trucking, you won't need Air Conditioning then :)
Just remember to bring a warm blanket with you even in summer :)

I can't fathom leaving a big 5L+ diesel engine idling just to get some cool air into the cabin, it's insane.
How can you even sleep with that massive engine going off?


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I sent in my application to SWIFT. I hope I was not too honest. They asked me if I ever did any illegal drugs. I told them I never tested positive and never was caught, but I did try marijuana back in 1999 once, and that I was honest and told me marine corps recruiter about it. Think they will reject me for that? I know right now they reject all felons.

I did not know how thorough their background check is, but if it is still on my marine corps file and I deny it now, I could get rejected for lying. I just need to talk to a recruiter tomorrow. I'd like to call the company directly and ask if there is a long wait list or if they are hiring right now. The wait list depends on if you have felonies or DUI's though. If you had a DUI 6 years ago, you are not getting hired now, though you would have 3 years ago.


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CCS are'nt you worried about getting the classic trucker physique?



Or is it the truckstop action you're after?


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I think it is better that one trucker dies from overheating and ill fitness than that the entire planet dies due to global warming.


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cuebald said:
I can't fathom leaving a big 5L+ diesel engine idling just to get some cool air into the cabin, it's insane.

Americans produce 19.1 tonnes of C02 per person about 3/4x the world average.


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I called SWIFT. They said they are not hiring right now.

And no, I am not a felon. I said they are not hiring felons, which is why I should apply. But they said they just don't have loads right now.