True Love


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Hi there. I'm now 22 years old and i've been suffering from hair loss since my 16 years old...quite premature...the process has been slowly, although i recently figured out that all the medical advices i received so far were the less apropriate, based only in vitamins and "trichology treatments" that didn't stop the problem, but cost a lot...

I've always been a dreamer...and secretly gay... I discovered that, on my 13th birthday, when i started developing feelings for a friend that was studying with me in my class, feelings that i soon learned they were love. I've never told him what i felt beause i was too young and full with fears. But he was the most kind person with me and when we split apart to different schools, in my innocence and faithful dreams i sweared that when i would be a grown-up i would find him again and destiny would make us be together.

But destiny wanted a different path for me. I really was a beautiful child at time, shy but happy... But when at my 16's my hair started to fall down, things seemed to be lost, except my wait, my wait for him. The hair loss continued each time getting worse and i didn't want the World to know the suffer i was passing by, wich only took everything harder to contain. Then, i culminated in a sad faced boy...i cried every night and every lonely moment, praying for God to reverse my problem, becoming centered in praticing good-actions so God could attend my request...but nothing happened...only my dream for my love kept me alive...

Then the destiny seemed to play with me once more... Suddendly a friend of mine had news of the boy whom i was secret in love, and i got his contact. We traded messages by telemobile and one day he wanted to see me. And i couldn't...because of my self-image... I didn't want him to see me like that, i knew he would reject me or make commentaries about myself so i couldn't confront the possibility of having my dream broken. So time went by and we continued only sharing messages from long to long time. There were several times when he asked me to see him but i just couldn't and so i lied with simple excuses all the time... My days of teenager were days of hell...and they were to be supposedly (like everyone says) the best days of my life. My silent depression went on and all i really wanted was to die... Faith is always the last to die and so it happened that way, life goes on and on and so i've reached my 22 years old. I'm not the smiley-boy i used to be and i have a extense hair loss now. I've also discovered a weeks ago that my one true love, whom i've been loving secretly all these years is not what i thought he was and decidly he isn't the one meant for is blind, that's all i have to say, and happy endings are rare unfortunately.

But here's one thing i've decided, no matter what will come, one thing i'm starting to built, my future and i want it to be happy. I've started 3 months ago a treatment with Finasteride 1mg, Nizoral, Minoxidil 5% and Nourkrin Extra Strenght. I'm decided to get a major part of my hair back. I know that's seem a little difficult to achieve, but today that's hope and that's what counts. Someday i will smile again and have the opportunity to have the courage to meet someone and kiss the one i love for the very first time.

I don't know what i'm trying to say but i think it's that i'm asking to all of you who suffer with hair loss that don't give up, that fight for what you want, that is to be happy and have the life you think you deserve.

Good luck for all of you.


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I can kinda relate, I put off seeing this girl I liked coz of hairloss over a year since I saw her. I then thought hey life is too short, I went to see her and we hit it off, we ended up going out for a few months, didnt work, but at least I tried and had the balls to do it.

You say your not the smiley boy you used to be you are probably looking back at your life with rose tinted glasses. Life is what you make of it, dont do self pity. Besides isnt baldness the gay mans calling card(well as someone told me) lol


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Is your true love gay too?

If you are gay, I guess you can consider estrogen injection?


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RaginDemon said:
Is your true love gay too?

If you are gay, I guess you can consider estrogen injection?

He's gay mate, not a transvestite. :nono:


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wow... what a story.
trust me things can work out to the best, i got my hair back and im now seeng the girl of my dreams, keep up the regiment and youre belife. You will find youre love out there. You just got to get out there, if i can find it then trust me everyone can. :mrgreen:


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not everyone responses to the treatments that well bro


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well mostly u need 2 get out there... many girls dont mind a litle hairloss. Most girls that do are teens.. and if not probably shallow stupid hores with no conversational skills :woot:
and who would want that.


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... Shallow stupid guys with no conversational skills? This board is full of them. :youbet:


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Good luck with your treatments, you're on the best possible stuff. Just stick to it and you'll see results.

aside: i hate smilies. I f*****g hate them with every atom of my being.


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im quite fond of the pink elephant i must admit. he dances like i do :gay2:


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Most important is to love yourself first. If your relationship depends only on the mutual love you have with a girl, it will eventually fail.

Any missed love story is just an experience to grow from and to think that first I really need to love myself.
Most happy people living a healthy relationship of true love do love themselves first very much(Steven Colbert)



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recognition2 said:
Most important is to love yourself first. If your relationship depends only on the mutual love you have with a girl, it will eventually fail.

Any missed love story is just an experience to grow from and to think that first I really need to love myself.
Most happy people living a healthy relationship of true love do love themselves first very much(Steven Colbert)


well as long as you just dont love youre self too much hehe. :woot:
Relationships doesnt always work that well with selfish bastards/b****s :youbet:

Hans Gruber

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Sean68 said:
im quite fond of the pink elephant i must admit. he dances like i do :gay2:

he's ever so slightly a little bit Bez