Trying To Figure Out If I'm Ready For A Hair Transplant

Should I get a hair transplant now (so long as I'm okay with getting another one later)?

  • Yes, do it now

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, wait a few years

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Hello everyone,

I'm 25 years old and my hair has been thinning for about 7 years, but more so in the last three years. I've been wanting to get a hair transplant and have done several consultations with various surgeons to compare options and get second opinions. I've consulted with Bosley, a well-known/prestigious surgeon in Spain, as well as a well-known/prestigious surgeon in Turkey. The first two informed me that they could go ahead with a hair transplant and gave me price quotes. But the latter said that he could not recommend a hair transplant for me yet, that I may continue to lose hair and that I need to wait a few more years. I'm anxious to get my hair back and would be okay with doing another hair transplant in a few more years (rather than going bald in the meantime), but I would really like some advice on who to listen to. Were the first two people I consulted with not being completely transparent with me, or is it common for some surgeons to go ahead and move forward with hair transplants while others advise to wait? What would you suggest for my situation?

I feel like I've reached an impasse on making any decisions. I attached some photos below of my hair loss. I know it's not as drastic as it is for some, but it still bothers me as I used to have a thick head of hair and now I have bald patches. Thanks so much for your input!


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I think you should wait a little longer, maybe a few years if you don't want to deal with it again soon. Although, if you get it now, you can wait for some years still with using topicals to cover the newly bald area. But if I were you, I would wait a year or two

Thank you for your response and for the advice :)


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After seeing your pictures, I think you are ready to go for a hair transplant as you makes the right suitability. I don’t understand why that surgeon has suggested you to wait for some years & see your hair losing. Hair transplant is not something that puts adverse effects; in fact, it can permanently solve your problem of losing hair. If that would have happened to me, then I'll not wait to be completely bald; and I recommend you the same that you should go for hair transplant as there is no reason to wait for it.