Tsuji, Organ Technologies, Riken Update (march 06 2019) Discussion


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Hi everyone,

I'm sorry if this is an annoying kind of post (I'm new to this) but I have some questions about this writeup:


-Trials start in 2020, how long do clinical trials take? Since it's Japan, would it just be a single year long clinical trial before commercialization?

-Isn't the science solid?
1). They seem to have the cloning down. "Our group reconstituted a bioengineered hair follicle germ, which contains mesenchymal stem cells, using bulge-derived epithelial cells and dermal papilla cells isolated not only from embryos, but also from adult mice."

2). They have a way to mass produce cloned hair follicles (notated here: http://www.organ-technol.co.jp/uploads/2018/06/98a3d5caabf1c7829941ab2d5caf20f8.pdf)

3). The cloned follicles seem to behave like normal hair follicles ("Moreover, the regenerated hair follicles connected efficiently with the surrounding host tissue and showed pilomotor reflex in response to acetylcholine administration"). https://lmgtfy.com/?q=pilomotor+reflex