Two general questions on hair replacement


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I have to general questions regarding hair replacement.

When is too young to have a hair replacement? My plan is to take it when I'm 22, I hope that's not too young.

Also, I heard someone talk about "using up your donor hair." Is that even possible?


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Goodfellas said:
I have to general questions regarding hair replacement.

When is too young to have a hair replacement? My plan is to take it when I'm 22, I hope that's not too young.

Also, I heard someone talk about "using up your donor hair." Is that even possible?

1. It can be too young if you're still receding and you have transplants, the hair will continue to recede beyond the transplanted area leaving you with a bald "moat" between your new transplanted hair and your receding hairling. I would say age 22 is probably too young to be considering a transplant unless you plan on having more as you get older, however see the next question about that (no harm in putting the money aside though).

2. Absolutely, we have a limited amount of hair suitable for transplanting which is taken from the strip of scalp at the very back of the head. There is only so many times scrips can be cut of units removed for transplant elsewhere.


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GeminiX said:
Goodfellas said:
I have to general questions regarding hair replacement.

When is too young to have a hair replacement? My plan is to take it when I'm 22, I hope that's not too young.

Also, I heard someone talk about "using up your donor hair." Is that even possible?

1. It can be too young if you're still receding and you have transplants, the hair will continue to recede beyond the transplanted area leaving you with a bald "moat" between your new transplanted hair and your receding hairling. I would say age 22 is probably too young to be considering a transplant unless you plan on having more as you get older, however see the next question about that (no harm in putting the money aside though).

2. Absolutely, we have a limited amount of hair suitable for transplanting which is taken from the strip of scalp at the very back of the head. There is only so many times scrips can be cut of units removed for transplant elsewhere.

I do plan on having more as I get older. I know that hair loss runds strongly in my family so I plan on having all of my hair on top transplanted. However, how will I know wether I have enought grafs for this? I heard about someone taking hair from their legs instead of head, but wouldn't that just mess up the hair color?


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hello goodfellas,the average person has about 7000 follicles that can be harvested from the donor area,7000 follicles over an entire bald head would look quite thin,as you are only 22 years old that is thought too be too young,however i know that is not want you want to hear but that is the facts


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You can't know, as you won't know how far your hair will recede.

A reputable surgeon will be able to advise you to a degree, but unless he has a functional crystal ball then it's guess work.

As I said earlier, at your age I would strongly recommend just focussing on having a healthy bank balance and try to find a medical regimen which prevents the hair-loss in the first place :)


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I'm guessing at 22 he does'nt even have enough hairloss to warrant surgery, and in real terms the average person has about enough donor to decently fill a bald area about the size of about 2 credit cards. So if you're going to lose all your hair uptop then you better be conservative.