Two Stage Idea For Hair Transplant Using A Combination Of Neck And Scalp Hair


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I am thin on the top and crown and my hairline is receding. I don't have enough donor hair to cover a big area without thinning substantially donor hair (and looking weird there).

I thought:

- get an aggressive hair transplant from donor to hairline and mid-scalp
- use neck hair and some body hair (I have an infinite amount) to thicken the donor area which will be thinned substantially after the first strategy.

Neck and body hair might not grow very long, but I can have the "marines" type of cut, where I keep the sides short so neck and body hair will not stick out (especially since I will still have some donor hair...)

How does that sound?
Does using neck hair leads to scars on the neck?

Many thanks for thoughtful answers


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im still waiting for the day i see pictures of guys who keep their hair really short after a hair transplant and have the hairs look normal, not pluggy as sh*t

ive thought about your idea op and in theory it sounds fine but have yet to see these close cuts look normal

i wana use every f*****g hair on my body and keep a buzz cut style but it doesnt work. i dont f*****g know why, the hairs look normal straight after surgery, but after a year or so they always, ALWAYS, look pluggy as sh*t and grow in random directions. thick *** roots straight out the scalp.


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Hair transplantation in general is see through hair which can be fine but when you start introducing hairs outside of head hair it’s the color and caliber that become the issue. For many those hairs can stick out like a sore thumb and the effect can be exactly the opposite. Eyes could easily be drawn to your head not because they love your great head of hair but because they are wondering what exactly is that? Why does this person’s hair look so weird?

If the mix is right with the percentage kept low it might be a possibility providing the match is close enough. An ethical doctor could probably know in an instant and would turn you away if they thought it might make your situation worse. Problem is not everyone is ethical in fact the majority are not. They need to pay their bills and this is a business so turning anxious customers away does happen too often. The mentality then becomes I can get rich off these desperate suckers and that is absolutely a very big issue.

I have had beard and body hair transplanted but I’m a repair patient. The percentage was just right and it matched close enough that it works for me. It’s probably best left for repair patients in my opinion as a last ditch option. Neck hairs or hairs around the nape area tend to thin faster over time then other areas of the donor region meaning even if you did use them they could easily be lost sooner then you think.

The biggest drawback with body/beard hair in my opinion is if a person’s lateral humps are going to drop drastically. That point between transplanted hair and the top of the now lowered lateral hump now becomes easily seen by others and if it’s body/beard hair transplanted in that area it looks absolutely ridiculous. You would then just become the butt of jokes. So is it possible that using body/beard hair will make you worse off then you are now............yes..........yes.............yes. Are you prepared to be worse off then you are now? Mentally can you handle that type of outcome?

Using body/beard hair can become something similar to trying to match a paint color or material. Sometimes you just can’t get it close enough to work.
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Hair transplantation in general is see through hair which can be fine but when you start introducing hairs outside of head hair it’s the color and caliber that become the issue. For many those hairs can stick out like a sore thumb and the effect can be exactly the opposite. Eyes could easily be drawn to your head not because they love your great head of hair but because they are wondering what exactly is that? Why does this person’s hair look so weird?

If the mix is right with the percentage kept low it might be a possibility providing the match is close enough. An ethical doctor could probably know in an instant and would turn you away if they thought it might make your situation worse. Problem is not everyone is ethical in fact the majority are not. They need to pay their bills and this is a business so turning anxious customers away does happen too often. The mentality then becomes I can get rich off these desperate suckers and that is absolutely a very big issue.

I have had beard and body hair transplanted but I’m a repair patient. The percentage was just right and it matched close enough that it works for me. It’s probably best left for repair patients in my opinion as a last ditch option. Neck hairs or hairs around the nape area tend to thin faster over time then other areas of the donor region meaning even if you did use them they could easily be lost sooner then you think.

The biggest drawback with body/beard hair in my opinion is if a person’s lateral humps are going to drop drastically. That point between transplanted hair and the top of the now lowered lateral hump now becomes easily seen by others and if it’s body/beard hair transplanted in that area it looks absolutely ridiculous. You would then just become the butt of jokes. So is it possible that using body/beard hair will make you worse off then you are now............yes..........yes.............yes. Are you prepared to be worse off then you are now? Mentally can you handle that type of outcome?

Using body/beard hair can become something similar to trying to match a paint color or material. Sometimes you just can’t get it close enough to work.

Who was your repair doctor? Can you post your final result and get a rundown of what procedures you have gone through?


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Jean Luc you strike me as being very immature at 23 but that’s not so bad. What’s bad is that you are also being completely irresponsible going from forum to forum encouraging other young guys to have a surgical procedure that is full of risks that they don’t fully understand. I don’t know what you are up to but you should probably stop.


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Jean Luc you strike me as being very immature at 23 but that’s not so bad. What’s bad is that you are also being completely irresponsible going from forum to forum encouraging other young guys to have a surgical procedure that is full of risks that they don’t fully understand. I don’t know what you are up to but you should probably stop.

I probably have a higher income than you, I have more money than you, I clearly have a higher IQ, and unlike you I am not autistic. Immature? If it's immature to call people who are f*****g morons f*****g morons, then yes I am that guy, I am immature. People understand full well the risks and they don't need a pathetic roid abusing freak stupid enough to have gone through 15 transplant procedures to lecture them. Why would ANYONE take advice from someone like yourself who is so f*****g retarded they continued to go to bad doctors and butcher themselves time and time again and then after a decade or so decide to warn others.

You're absolutely pathetic. I simply asked if you could post evidence of your own experience rather than make things up as you usually do with nothing to back up your filth. You're a condescending bag of f*****g dog sh*t, and I feel sorry for you.

Transplants are simply buying back time and creating a cosmetic IMPROVEMENT. No one here is stupid enough to think it is perfect,without risks or that that will return to an 18 year olds head of hair you pathetic, condescending dipshit; they simply want to improve themselves and increase the duration of their youthfulness. What is the alternative? Turn into a bald muscly freak like yourself who women find pathetic and repulsive, particularly women in their 20s? Stop acting like anyone here is saying or thinks that it is a permanent cure all one off solution without risks, no one is saying that or thinks that.

You're autistic so maybe you don't understand, but people are smart enough (far smarter than you for the most part) to make their own decisions by the time they are an adult. You are the RARE case of someone who fucked themselves over, the vast majority of cases improve their lives drastically with the procedure. Not only that, but you constantly say you're a numbers man and don't offer them accurately, and make the assumption that the only way to achieve a good result is to achieve 100% original density. That simply isn't true and you know it.

You might have a noble goal, but when you LIE and speak utter, complete dog sh*t you are the one who comes across as the bad guy.


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Waynako these responses in the thread are sometimes how it works. Marketers work the forums daily and try to dissuade too much truth so young guys will be more apt to sign up. Sometimes more posters will hop on the same thread and also attack too much truth. Then this thread itself can be completely fake and you are just another screen name with an appointed agenda then it just becomes something for the readers to learn from if they can understand what they are seeing. This is part and parcel of how the industry operates and that is a big red flag for you and readers. You would need to ask yourself why would this go on? Why go to these lengths to get young guys to sign up?

Then when these young guys do sign up as patients without understanding all this they receive the say type of negative responses making their situation only worse.Eventually on some of these forums these same patients are politely asked to please move on.

Just be careful it’s not as simple as you may believe.

I have hundreds and hundreds of accounts of guys that took advice from marketers working the forums and unfortunately many were left in dire straits. This procedure is not a joke and not something to take lightly. One needs to be fully informed and understand the difference between information and marketing.

Example: This could be you if you do not fully understand the limitations of the procedure.

I have never once been on medication for any psychological condition. Never been clinically depressed. I would deem myself mentally rock solid prior to this FUE hair transplant ! But seriously this FUE hair transplant has brought me to my f*ing knees mentally! I've never experienced anything that has shaken me like this.

I'm ashamed to admit but in my darkest hours I've even grappled with ridiculous notions of suicide. I know it's stupid, but I can't help the thoughts that pop into my head. What can say other than that since my hair transplant, I have become depressed. That's just the way it is right now for me.
I've never had such a demoralizing blow to my self imaging and right there on my face and forehead for the world to judge me!
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I have a very long account of a hair transplant rep that worked for a Turkish clinic and came online at some point to spill his guts. He explained what he was doing and that he was paid to do it only problem was the same clinic decided not to give him his money and this is what sometimes happens in a den of thieves. The clinic also quickly turned on the rep. How many young men did this rep suck in by working the forums on a daily basis is unknown but he was owed a substantial amount of money. He did apologize but that does not help the young man that now feels his life has been destroyed. That thread and those postings were deleted rather quickly and this is where we get into issues of marketing fraud. All the disclaimers in the world do not protect illegal activity regardless of how safe many feel and regardless of the rationalization one makes in their mind. Of course always protecting the readers and looking out for the young men considering a cosmetic procedure……..sure just keep repeating it.

The risk working with stooges is they can turn at any time which is always helpful.

The original poster to this thread has yet to reply so what exactly does that mean in all of this? Will they reply now that it is pointed out they have not replied? Oh yes too busy to look if anyone answered the post. Was the thread created to lure you in or is it real? The procedure is very limited and those that can perform it with skill is just as limited. Do you think you would like to take the risk? You need to understand all of this before you decide to take that leap. Young men are entitled to all the information in order to make an informed decision and that includes how the information online has been corrupted by predators passing themselves off a good guys.

I have been online for close to 18 years now as part of my own research and what this person Jean Luc is doing is not new to me. In fact it has happened countless times only the players were different. Yes it works with the young men but sorry it doesn't work with me. It's simply nonsense.


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- get an aggressive hair transplant from donor to hairline and mid-scalp
- use neck hair and some body hair (I have an infinite amount) to thicken the donor area which will be thinned substantially after the first strategy.

Many thanks for thoughtful answers

I have never read of anyone doing this as I doubt it would come out well.


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I am not sure I understand the whole point of topcat. Maybe you can clarify? The fact that any hair transplant is a risk is something I fully agree with. It should be last step. I just shaved my head to understand whether it is worth it.
I am not a marketer, what was I trying to sell?

But I am really surprised: I have not been on this forum for so long, I mean at the Hair transplant section in particular, last time I was here people use to be quite bullish/optimistic about FUE. What happened? It seems to me that there were a lot of success stories... Perhaps since I logged in last to this section of the forum many horrible stories happened.

I am definitely not knowledgable about hair transplant enough (I had one that turned out OK -- and today when I shaved I don't see scars, just a thinner than expected donor area). My gf told my that I look really good in a high and tight cut, so the idea of shaving the sides and using these hair for the balding areas, while replacing it with body/neck hair is alluring. I figure that my neck/beard hair at the very least (have plenty) SHAVED would not look very different from a shaved scalp hair.

I guess the risk is therefore scarring, and other risks involved in hair transplant. I am NOT a marketer (I don't understand why anyone would think so). I did not even share the name of the Dr that performed hair transplant on me, to fill my crown, and his job was not excellent, but reasonably good to fiill a large hole...


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Waynako I gave you my opinion and advice with my first response to this thread. Go back and read it.

Additional responses are directed towards the marketers who are working the forum and have made some attacks as the truth does not suit their needs. You can just ignore those responses and go back to my initial advice.

Many of these marketers seems to be pushing Turkish clinics. The last paid Turkish rep/poster that didn't get his money explained how some of it worked in a post that ran for pages. Here is a small glimpse along with one of the readers that fell into the trap. The message for you it to be careful plain and simple.

Excerpt from a pages written by an actual Turkish rep who posted for a very long time.
After a few days I went to hospital to talk Dr ***** about my commission I didn’t go to police If I go to police they would take him to jail and he will lose everything I didn’t want to do this to him even he bit me in bad way…

And how did an actual patient that went to Turkey react to what he was reading.
I can't even find the words to express how outraged I am. And you knew all about this all along. Guiding the innocent and desperate people to this slaughterhouse.
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Thanks a lot topcat. Now I see. Where did you transplant the beard/neck hair, which area of the scalp? You said you that even if a shave (0 or 1 buzz) neck hair will look different?
Now that I shaved my head yesterday, I can't tell the difference between full shave between neck and scalp hairs, but I can see that buzzed to 1 or 2 they would look different...


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Waynako these responses in the thread are sometimes how it works. Marketers work the forums daily and try to dissuade too much truth so young guys will be more apt to sign up. Sometimes more posters will hop on the same thread and also attack too much truth.

@JeanLucBB confirmed marketer!!!! :eek:

thanks for saving us again from the evil marketers topcat. i'm starting to think that everyone on this forum is a marketer working for the evil transplant syndicate. how can I know who to trust? what % of people on this site would you say are marketers? can I trust my family? friends?