Ughh! moaning


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No point to this post really, just feel like complaining a bit if you dont mind :p

My hair has been bothering me alot lately, im about a nw3ish now and 23 years old. Although on treatments I dont see much happening in the temples or hairline. Im seeing an amazing girl at the moment and ever since I started seeing her, my hairloss has started to bother me alot again. I cant help but feel that once my hair recedes further, she wont feel attracted to me anymore and leave me. Crazy I know! But I cant help it. She actually does know how much hairloss bothers me and says she dosnt care if I lose it all tomorrow, but I cant help but feel that will all change if I start to recede further.
Im also worried about getting my hair cut, its about 3 inches long at the moment but very curly so looks shorter. Im afraid how its gonna look after I get it cut so im putting it off. I like to keep it a few inches cuase I can still hide the recession pretty well at the moment.
Just not handling this hairloss business very well at the moment, I was doing well for quite a while, I just took my treatments and stopped worrying but its all come back now and im feeling bad!

Thanks for reading

e reed

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I deal with these same thoughts and feelings. Just keep in mind that you have a girl who likes YOU. And if you did lose all your hair tomorrow and she left you, fu*k her. She would be a shallow bit*h who you couldn't have a long meaningful relationship with anyways. I'm a performer so I get hung up on hair loss a lot, and just last night I was at a club to see some hip hop acts.
One of the DJ's had a great head of hair, but he didn't have a right hand, just a little nub. That made me think to myself that I could be a lot worse off. At least I have all of my limbs. So I guess my piece of advice would be; when you start getting consumed by your hair think of all of the other horrible physical imperfections you could have. It works pretty good.


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e reed said:
And if you did lose all your hair tomorrow and she left you, fu*k her

Its easier to say than done though.


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lucky u got such a nice girl, i alsow found a girl like that. But im almost back to basics now. but its nice to know that if it stops owrking she will still like me.
Incredible that we can find girls that wonderful out there, never thought i would meet a girl that looks incredible and alsow has a greate nice sweet personality.
Just try to not let the hairloss bouther u to much, and take good care of youre girl.
Then im sure you will have a nice life :D


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For the last week or so ive been staring at my hairline in the mirror constantly trying to convince myself its not that bad and that it wont get worse lol. I cant seem to help it!
Im also trying to comfort myself saying that she wont care if I lose my hair and that she likes me for who I am and not my appearance. But I still cant shake this fear and im getting very depressed over it. If I knew for a fact that she wouldnt care if I lost all my hair then honestly I dont think Id care at all. Its the thought that losing hair could potentially mean you end up spending your life alone and miserable that gets me. I know it sounds over the top, but I cant help it, just the way ive been thinking lately.


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C'mon haunted-ballroom, remember your advice for me regarding shedding? you told me to stop the regimen if scared. maybe i can return your kinda-blunt-comment, if you're so scared of the receding. stop the medicine or you should reduce the frequencies of looking into the mirror.

furthermore, i believe hairline shed is not that much as compared to a shed all over your head...and you got a girl there. So, get a hold of yourself. maybe you should stop worrying about it for a while.


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k3nn7i said:
C'mon haunted-ballroom, remember your advice for me regarding shedding? you told me to stop the regimen if scared. maybe i can return your kinda-blunt-comment, if you're so scared of the receding. stop the medicine or you should reduce the frequencies of looking into the mirror.

furthermore, i believe hairline shed is not that much as compared to a shed all over your head...and you got a girl there. So, get a hold of yourself. maybe you should stop worrying about it for a while.

That wasnt me that gave that advice.....


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oops...looks i'm blunt myself. lol

sorry. anyway, just stay on your regimen