uk guy to hav a first time hair transplant in poland, can any1 advise me?


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im about to have hair transplant.
i know i have lots of & a good doner area, plus my thining is strange, i am losing my hair like in a mohawk pattern on the center of my head.

i never shopped or enquired around too much, i just came across this website :- ... 4wodvxK--g
where £2950 = 2000 mirografts or 4900 hairs, i think thats the cheapest ?

i contact the docter thru email, i was told surgery would take 1 full day.
he told me he will do STRIP method.

Before i visited this forum, i imagined they all do the same, but after listening to the horror storys, have become more aware,concious & bit scared of who i should go to.After coming to this site, i know all or most UK hair transplant specialist are no good. But does anybody know of Dr Marwan of wroclow poland? is he any good?

i will upload my pics, & apreciate any advise you guys could give me.
thank you - joe snow! :)


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Re: uk guy to hav hair transplant in poland, can any1 recomend or advise me?

Few more questions :-

Q1- for me. which is best FUE or Strip method? will it make a difference whichever technique is done.
i dont care what method as long as its fills my scalp with lotta hair :)

important Q2 - with 1 session of 2000 micrografts...will my hair-transplant area be dense? with short haircut will be all black/covered?
bare in not too bothered about my crown area so will concentrate on the front hairline , mid section & probably few in temple (as shown in the photo i coloured.).

Q3-wil i be gaurantied 2000 MicorGrafts? (Can the surgeon rip me off? i wouldnt know difference between 1000mg or 2000mg).

Q4- aprox how long will my new hair be noticed?
is it like for example when u wax or pluck hair from the roots, Brand new hair regrows & takes like few weeks to reach surface? 2 weeks in my experience.

Q5- does anybody know any other place that offers £3,000 for 2000 micrografts?

From my photos, the docter suggested i need 2000 micrograft strip method, i would have to go poland for a day or 2. i live in the Uk. close to bromsgrove clinic but i heard bromsgrove uk clinic are butchers so i wont go there. :shakehead:
i apreciate any advise & suggestions .
Thanks guys :)


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Re: uk guy to hav hair transplant in poland, can any1 recomend or advise me?

Your list of questions is very basic it show you dont know much about this at all.
My advice to you is to research for a good few months until you have educated yourself enough on the whole hair transplant scene and most importantly found a highly skilled surgeon.
No one should ever go into this without knowing exactly what they are doing and being sure that the person doing it to them is one of the very few decent Dr's in the world.

Going to an unknown clinic in Poland without knowing much about the procedure is about as sensible as buying a house after only seeing a photo of it.


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Re: uk guy to hav hair transplant in poland, can any1 recomend or advise me?

s.a.f said:
Your list of questions is very basic it show you dont know much about this at all.
My advice to you is to research for a good few months until you have educated yourself enough on the whole hair transplant scene and most importantly found a highly skilled surgeon.
No one should ever go into this without knowing exactly what they are doing and being sure that the person doing it to them is one of the very few decent Dr's in the world.

Going to an unknown clinic in Poland without knowing much about the procedure is about as sensible as buying a house after only seeing a photo of it.

Well, thats why im here asking Questions, Now would u be helpful to answer my Questions? (apreciate ur replys) :)

i can go visit in person every surgeon in the world & all would say "I AM THE BEST SURGEON IN THE WORLD!" :bravo:


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Well I could give you the answers that I think you need, but its a personal choice thats why its far better that you educate yourself and you can make the choices based on whats best for you. I dont mean to be a dick but this really is'nt something to just take any one persons advice on. The best thing to do is lots of research and you'll find out answers to more than just the few questions you have so far.
The answer to every question can be found by looking back through this sites history.
And yeah you're right about the clinics but if you read up on here and other hair transplant forums you'll see the same few big names that consitantly produce happy customers and can offer 100's of examples of good work (and I'm betting that your Polish Dr is'nt one of them).

If you want a I'll give you a tip to get started with - visit the websites of Hassan and wong, ********, Feller, Rahal, Shapiro. These are some of the worlds best and I'm sure that their websites can provide you with info on exactly whats involved inthe procedures.
Thinking about who offers the cheapest deal and who is the nearest clinic is a sure fire way to get a poor result.


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The surgeon in Poland is american & qualified + experienced while in the states.
On the internet ive read numerous success stories of hair transplant in india,pakistan,turkey,belgium,italy so i think saying "Go America Or Nothing" is a bit harsh.

i also am in contact with previous patients of his, who report he is good.

im not on meds, but i dont think i need as my hair loss is very slow or hardly at all.i dont want to use minoxidil becus i dont need & ive heard you become dependent on that once you start & have to use for life.

Becus i have a good doner area & small recipient area i know who ever i go to SHOULD be easy & good results. Im in no rush to have Hair Transplants so will extensivly learn about hair transplant via the internet.


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Looking at your first pic I could imagine that you could quite easily become a NW6 in the next 5-10 yrs. The entire top of your head is thin. You might think that you are in a good situation now but that could all change over the next few years.
So if I were you the first thing I'd do is get on finasteride just to try and assure your chances that you'll stay in that situation.
As for America/Canada or nothing the fact is that about 8 of the top 10 surgeons can be found there. And IMO theres probably only about 10 clinics in the whole world that you should want to consider.
Be aware that about 90% of all hair transplant surgeons are at best average and at worst chancers just having a go at it. Thats why the few who have built up their good reputations on the forums are the only ones worth considering because in this scenario there are no 2nd chances.
Let someone else take the risk with these unproven Dr's. Remember any Dr can get one or two people to recommend him but very few have 100's of satisfied patients posting their experiences across the hair transplant forums.


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Thanks Guys for sharing your useful knowledge.

Q1-For me what is best FUT (strip) or FUE?

The docter told me...
"The method of choice here is the strip method due to the number of grafts we need in short time. The 2000 grafts should give us a very good density to the areas you have pointed , and you will be able to see good results from the sixth month and later post op. ( of course the hair growth starts after 2 to 3 months post op but the real thing starts in six months and up)."

he also added
"With your existing hair the 2000 grafts will give you a good density, but in the future when or if you start loosing your existing hair then this area will get some thinning again, thats why I recommend you use Minoxidil 5% in order to keep your original existing hair) and keep in mind that you always can come back for another session in the future, I'll make sure that you will have a healthy donor area for more sessions to come, if needed, this is one of the pluses which the strip techinque has over the FUE. "

Q1a- so FUT is more future proof/can come back for more sessions (with minamum 6 month gap).

Q2-Also with strip im left with a permanant scar at the back of my head? or it heals up?

i also asked him "wil i be gaurantied 2000 mg? (sorry for this Q, but as im no expert i wouldnt know difference between 1000mg or 2000mg)."
When we plan 2000 grafts and you pay for 2000 grafts, then you should get that number or more, Now, most of the time when I get 100 or 200 extra grafts I usually do not charge the patient, to me it's a win-win situation, we care about the final results and when you are happy with your results I'm sure you will recommend me to other patients. Now if I get about 50 grafts less, I usually ignor it, but If for some reason we got 100 or more, less than what we planed, in this case I refund the patients with some cash. This how we deal with these issues in general, simply it doesn't make since to me to plan 2000 and and deliver much less.


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s.a.f said:
And yeah you're right about the clinics but if you read up on here and other hair transplant forums you'll see the same few big names that consitantly produce happy customers and can offer 100's of examples of good work (and I'm betting that your Polish Dr is'nt one of them).

If you want a I'll give you a tip to get started with - visit the websites of Hassan and wong, ********, Feller, Rahal, Shapiro. These are some of the worlds best and I'm sure that their websites can provide you with info on exactly whats involved inthe procedures.
Thinking about who offers the cheapest deal and who is the nearest clinic is a sure fire way to get a poor result.

Thanks S.A.F,
i emailed all those that you mentioned.
if you have a list of anymore, dont hold back.


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You are also aware that the strip procedure will leave you with a nice scar along the back of the head?


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cuebald said:
You are also aware that the strip procedure will leave you with a nice scar along the back of the head?

yes, but few months after surgery will be un noticed (depending on how good the surgeon concealed it).


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****DONT GO TO POLAND!!!!******

**just discovered the docter is an amateur & a con-man!**

Thanks for the people who advised me to enquire deeply, you guys saved me from messing up my head! :)

il elaberate in detail later what went on, but in a nut shell I DONT TRUST HIM! with fake referell's & then constantly contradicting him self in answers, 1st saying they'll be no scar , then admitting there will be a scar & he was anoyed after i told him that im enquiring at forums about dodgy practices which i sensed made him feel uneasy.

Only now i relise everything in what S.A.F is saying. In the hair transplant industry are more have'ago surgeons who more interested in your money than your wellbeing.

Thanks S.A.F & everyone who advised me on this. :) :punk: :bravo:


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A fantastic decision. You could have really messed up your life if you'd done this. Instead, you're on the right track.

When it comes to hair transplants, don't rush things. Take your time, and research a lot. If you do decide to go ahead with it then, at least you know you'll be maximizing your chances for a positive outcome.


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in europe / belgium there verry skilled surgions 2....
most of the result depend how mutch grafts are done, more is most of the time better...

if you dont want a scar on the back of your head that makes trimming your hair down impossible then you need to go for fue...

look arround for a few months, visit lots of forums, see lots of results of clinics... look also that the before and afterpics are not improved in any way , speaking of verry licht before picture en more darker after pictures , results with also video-documentation are a plus... , so they show you the hair , and the density , in this way you can see that its honnest results without any coverupproducts in like toppik or whatever...

i'm going in with the prohairclinic in april (6 and 7 april) in belgium
going for a 2500 a 3000 grafts fue, they adviced 2500 but i demanded 3000 to be sure the density is nice and high...
i seeked also the web for my second hair transplant , looked at lots of results, readed lots of experiences about this clinic on our hairforum of belgium/holland...
and decided to fix my hair transplant there, did also my prp there, verry honnest company

dr wong is the ultimate surgion , results are allways impressive, but they use a lot of FUT , and graftscount are verry high , so it explains most of the time why they deliver impressive results... more grafts = more density = better results

dont rush into a hair transplant...
if you preffer FUT , then i know a good clinic in istanbul , my FUT there was verry good done... natural looking, verry fine scar...

for now i would advice that you look up a lot of results of clinics....
try google to find out more info or posts of people that did there hair transplant there...
hairlosshelp is also a good site with many hair transplant results
and there other sites 2... seek and you will find :punk:
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for once i find myself agreeing with S.A.F even if he is a shil you will more than likely lose more hair in the next five years so l would save the extra £7000 to £10000 and get H&W to pack the front area of your head and then you can have the rest filled in later or start useing one of the best hair lotions till such time your ready to leave it off and see how much you have lost in the next three or five years theres no real way of telling and you will need strip your going to need a lot of grafts fue is only for small area's its been around for years look up Dr Woods australia just hyped by the american market best of luck mate


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hey...I've heard good things about 2 clinics in istanbul...kulis estetic and Esteworld should take a look there...with very good prices...2000-2500 grafts with 2000 euros.I've just received a mail from them this month...I've seen already 2 persons that have made their surgery there...and look pretty good...they have gave a 9 to their surgeries.