Uk supplier for folligen and other hair loss products.


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Ive been giving a lot of thought lately to the idea of starting a new enterprise offering hair loss products in the UK.

At the moment there is little choice other than to order most hair loss products from America, and often find myself frustrated at the fact i have to pay very steep customs charges to get them here.

The main reason im posting is really to test the market and identify if anyone else from the uk feels there is a distinctive lack of local suppliers, and would be intrested in not only saving money but also reaping the benefits of buying without the wait and hassle that comes with overseas ordering.

Your advice would be much apprieciated.



Do it!

All you can get easily in the UK is Upjohn Brand Rogaine, Nizoral and Proscar/Propecia, for all the exotic stuff like American Crew, Foliigen, Tricomin, Revivogen, Generic Minoxidil, twinkies, Finpecia etc etc it's a two week wait (if you are lucky) import duty (if you are unlucky) freight charges and a lot of uncertanty.

It would be great if there was a good supplier here in the UK.



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Thankyou Tynan, although i havnt posted much in the last year i still keep an eye on this forum and your opinion means alot, so watch this space and if its viable i will post the progress on here if thats ok with


Hey good idea, i like it, I like it a lot.

Just a few thoughts...

Ordering from the US can be a pain...I love it when they write on the customs form on big letters...`hair cosmetics for bald Zimmy`. Not too mention the delivery time and what really pisses me off is that some US sites charge a heck of a lot for shipping so that more often than not the shipping charge is way more than the actual item im buying.

Would be good for UK guys who dont have credit cards to order overseas. UK prices for some things are ABSURD. Esp minoxidil. There isnt a UK place that sells a lot of hair products, most sites just seem to sell the usual things like minoxidil. Basically I find I have to rely on many diffirent UK sites to get stuff together for my regimen or order from the US.

spironolactone and folligen you cant get in the UK, possiblly revivogen too, some shampoos you cant get here, other stuff like emu oil is very expensive here.

I think all the UK guys would get behind such an enterprise.

You could call it Hair R Us. :hairy:



I don't mind peddeling the stuff in clubs and Pub Toilets and I am sure Zimmy wouldn't mind doing the working men's clubs.

I think you should do very well, the UK is still exposed to places like the Belegravia Hair Clinic which charges £500 for 10 propecia pills and convinces you that you are going to die if you don't take them. Zimmy is right all the UK sites have just the basic Rogaine (no generic here) and Propecia and charge the f**king earth for them, a good range of stuff for all the different regimes of the UK's bald army would be a godsend.

I read a statistic recently that said UK men are the most worried about their hairloss than any other nation, but come near the bottom of the table of nations who actually do anything about it !


P.S would you take Griffin Savers Club Stamps?


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Ok guys im asking alot here but could you email me a list of what you might want me to stock if i do decide to go ahead, and also the price you are currently paying for each item.

my email address is

Thanks :hairy: