UK Transplant for a thin crown.


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Hi guys

Basically I've read a fair bit on here but it can get fairly confusing especially as the majority of posters are concerned about their frontal hairline as opposed to their crown, which is my area of concern, so I'm asking for some advice. My hairline is receding only slightly, but not enough to make me particularly worried. I just have a crown that is almost resembling Zinedine Zidane. It's not there yet - it's the classic thinning scenario where there are still hairs there albeit very thin ones as opposed to a proper slaphead area. Another good example would be the sort of loss Prince William is suffering at the moment - it's certainly not hairless, but you can tell it's getting thin on top.

I've been on minoxidil for like... 3-4 years! And Propecia consistently for nearly 2 although there was a brief few months I stopped taking it in 2006 but then carried on (I feared sides, realised they were all in my head and so carried on). However, neither have regrown anything. I did initially see progress but then the regrown hair fell out soon after... and the last month or so I've lost quite an alarming amount. I'd put it down to a shed - perhaps it is a temporary shed, but it's odd timing really. Usually sheds are around 6 months or so, so it's probably just that I'm an unlucky lad and these meds don't work.

So surgery is the best option. I'm 23, and started treating hairloss at 19 after a couple of years of denial, so it's not like I'd be hitting surgery early on. Further loss is certainly a possibility but I'm not sure how much. I suppose this is something a consultant would know better.

I know I won't be able to get a full flowing set of locks like David Beckham in his hayday, and I'm comfortable with that. Heck, even if I have a slight bald patch at the back of my head I don't really mind - I'm good looking enough and nice enough to perhaps have a little thin area ... but I certainly don't want a ridiculous monk-like bald patch which I might have to endure if I don't take action. My Dermatch is getting less and less effective sadly.

How likely is surgery to help with this? Either with the FUE or the Strip procedure?

One thing I think I do have going for me is a I have a ridiculously thick donor area. This is something my hairdresser always says - just how thick the very back and sides of my hair is, meaning a lot of potential donor area :)

Basically, what I'd like to know the most is who in the UK would be best for this? It's always tricky to know who the good surgeons are and how the dodgy tricksters are. Are the people on Harley Street the best people to see?

I'd really appreciate any good feedback. I would be perfectly happy to buzz it short but sadly I think the thin area would be even more exposed as there'd be no hair to spike up and cover, and apparently concealers become useless once the hair is buzzed around grade 2/1...

Although am I right in thinking you can't really do a buzz post transplant because the scars are visible?



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Firstly I'd advise against a hair transplant at 23 especially if you have noticable loss at such a young age. If you go to a hair transplant surgeon now for a crown hair transplant they will use up a considerable amount of your donor and since the chances are you are heading to at least NW6 (as Prince Wills is) this will leave you screwed. Getting full coverage is a difficult task for most NW6's so they usually opt to get the front 2 thirds done the most for styling purposes and then just put up with whatever they can get crown wise.

And secondly (and most importantly) research some more on here about hair transplant and you'll discover that not having a hair transplant is a better option than going to anyone in the UK because the simple fact is there are no decent surgeons here. If you live in the UK and want a hair transplant travelling to either the US or Canada is a neccesity. As a victim of the UK butchers you can trust me on this.


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As soon as I read this post I knew I'd see a reply from But yeah buddy stay away from UK clinics, they have a bad rep. For the type artistry a hair transplant requires the best docs are in Canada and the US.


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Thanks for the help guys. That's pretty bad news though. So what other options are there apart from Dutasteride? Haha go for Advanced Hair Studio :lost:

I really don't think I'm heading for a Norwood 6 though. Norwood 6 would mean a horse shoe style hairline which I won't have - my frontal hairline is fine. It's just the back. It's just like the sort of bald spot monks have if you know what I mean but I can get a perfectly normal front fringe so I wouldn't really need any surgery there.

Lots of people talk about this Armani surgeon but as far as I'm aware he has a UK office doesn't he?


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Armani is only famous because he dense packs hairlines. No doubt he is talented, but his ethics are questionable.


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mr_sparkle said:
Lots of people talk about this Armani surgeon but as far as I'm aware he has a UK office doesn't he?
I think thats just for consults I dont think he actually performs the surgery in the UK though.


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s.a.f said:
Lots of people talk about this Armani surgeon but as far as I'm aware he has a UK office doesn't he?
I think thats just for consults I dont think he actually performs the surgery in the UK though.[/quote:3g3yvi29]

This is true, because i contacted his office and all the surgeries are performed in Toronto, Canada. So everywhere else is a just a consult office as you say. So you will have to fly to Toronto. However if you plan to get more than like 3000 grafts or something they actually pay for your plane flight, at least thats ive been told.


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If they paid for the flights that would be amazing!

Perhaps I will wait it out. We'll see. I have a pretty good idea of where my hair loss is going but perhaps it's pointless thickening up a bald patch. I dunno.

Problem is I'd probably like to keep it buzzed and obviously that would rule out strip procedures due to scarring.