Umar v. Feller


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Does Umar offer a plane/hotel voucher/discount? Although I live very close to Feller in New York, I want about 1500 via strip in my hairline. (Fue is too expensive, plus I want the better yield.) However, though some don't like Umar and the fact that he takes from the nape, or even BHT, I amf one of those patients who, though on minoxidil and dutas., does not have a bad hairline, but am totally going to lose it from the safe zones. I feel more comfortable doing the $6 dollar FUE/BHT from Umar, or the combo SFET/BHT for the hairline, then using beard hair and other stuff for the crown when necessary.

Basically, what I'm asking is, the flight/hotel makes going to Calif. more of an issue. I know you should worry about the doctor, not the price, but I'm also concerned about how much donor hair I have. It seems that so many of these guys getting megasessions, they have tons of hair loss in the hairline and vertex and beginning of the crown, but I can feel thinness (even if you can barely see it) all the way to the NW6 area. My hairline, in theory, is better than most.

And I don't want to just get a PRP from Feller and see what happens, btw.



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Thanks. It's more the cost that I'm trying to keep controlled. I remember once reading that Umar paid for the hotel/flight, and I've read that other doctors do, but I'm curious to get confirmation from someone, anyone.

Strip with Feller for 5/graft vs. combo SFET/BHT with Umar for 6 (if you let him used blocked out pics), I *would* travel, so long as I can save money on the flight/hotel costs for two/three nights. I'm already spending money, so it's not like I'm saying I want to just go for the cheaper doctor, since Umar is across the country and farther away.

Thanks again.


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Not wanting to be sceptical but I'd guess that any Doctor using 'offers' such as paying for hotels/flights would probably only add the cost to his fees anyway to recoup the cost. Just look on their websites for the costs per graph and work it out for yourself.
Ps I know that Feller will always give a few free grafts if you go over the limit eg if you get 5210 grafts he'll only charge for 5000.