Unbelievable Itch - Really need help please!!!


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I am at the end of the fight I feel.

2 months in Rogaine foam and it made my scalp feel the best it has ever felt.
Then I got the DREADED itch.

For 4-5 days it was so F****** unbearable you would not believe it. I would not scratch it at all. I would just live with it. It would come and go every couple of hours and last 2-3 hours.

There was no flaking. Then I tried a technique I have done in the past when I used to suffer from lot's of dandruff:

I filled the sink with Warm water.

I put my head in it for 10 minutes letting it warm. I then ran my long nail along the scalp, not scratching but along is with light pressure.

This yuky white **** was coming out and lots of it! This is has probably been a waste of 2 month on this ****.
I'm sat on bed now and even though my scalp is clean as f*** I still feel the itch right at the front of the head/scalp.

Anyone who has this itch might find they have a bloody thick layer of minoxidil **** on thier scalp.
I just don't know what the heck it is or what to do.

I used Nizoral once a week on Sundays. What now??? I'm more or less bald a the front corners and nearly the front. I just want no frigging itches because it really sets me back.

Is it the shedding period that you always get the itch or the minoxidil build up. It's got to be one of the two. I am certain of it.


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keep cool,

wash your hair every 2 days in mixing nizoral (or stieprox) and a soft shampoo (an aloe vera one).

Don't use more than 3 sprays of minoxidil each application

Maybe this minoxidil residue is mixed with a dermatitis, you should see a derm he will prescribe you some Locoid (topical cortisone)

The foam has ruined my hair and scalp. I was destined to be bald about the the age of 35 ish (I'm 30 right now) I'be been getting light on the head since 22-23. A gradual process.

But within 2 months regaine foam has made more or less make me 60% from front to the back; bald.

People who say regaine foam does not make you bald is not right. Regain foam can make you bald faster. I wish I stayed away. 9/10 is fail. Propaganda at it's best.

I had hair at the back and at the front in the middle. Not anymore


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Gross. Sounds like some sort of unholy waxy scalp helmet.
Really not sure what to tell you, but try and really wash your hair more thoroughly?


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Yea. washing more thoroughly the bald-ish scalp.

I need to get onto finasteride. I tried looking for member dr singh but cannot find him/her.

Im in the uk, Can someone direct or pm me the details of this member please??


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I continued to use regaine foam and using emu oil and emu conditioner. After two uses of regaine in one day and it turns my scalp into concrete.

Unbelieving itch and you try run a comb over the scalp and you just feel it hitting concrete and the amount of cracks and flakes are unreal.

This isn't dandruff cracks or flake. these seem strong as cement.

I've used nizoral 3 times in one week. Do I need to stop rogaine for a week?

The first two months were fine. Please help. The last two to three works I cannot concentrate at work or at home. I literally come home scared and not able to work. Just waiting for the itch to come back.

Bald as fcuk now.


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WEEK 2-3 of the itch.

I stopped Regaine foam for 2-3 days. I used emu oil and got rid of the concrete layer. My skin was smooth like a babies bottom. I ran a comb over the scalp and it was fine.

Continued this for 2-3 days and it felt great.
Last night I applied small amount of rogaine foam at the front of the scalp. It;s always at the front where I'm more or less bald and stripped of hair !!! why!!!

I applied emu oil after the 5 minutes of Regaine. Scalp felt great!!!

I went to sleep, woke up and felt a itch. I went to the bath room and ran my nail along the front parts of the scalp and flakes and flakes of skin.

Why isn't anything being absorbed and why is this happening within 12 hours.
Why is nothing being absorbed and how can this all happen in 12 hours

I got the below off a review of minoxidil. This sums up exactly what's happening to me.

"This product causes my scalp itch to a degree that I never knew was humanly possible. Literally it’s like the itch demon fairy princess from hell came and was digging into your scalp with an “itch-wand” that has needles at its ends dabbed with poison. I kid you not. This doesn’t occur right when I put it on, but I’ll get itch attacks during the day. And when these attacks occur, dare you even touch one follicle of hair in the area where the Rogaine was applied, the painful scratchy sensation increases a thousand fold. In other words, it itches like crazy, but if you try to scratch it, you will see the gates of Hell looming before you, as it punishes you for even attempting to try to relieve some pressure off your head.Will I keep using it? I don’t know… I can honestly say my mental ability to stay laser focused has increased n-th fold as I am getting my daily practice during these itch-attacks."