Unfortunately I have become.... a Norwood Watcher


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What anti norwood watcher drugs are out there and has anyone gotten bad sides? I heard there can sometimes be some extreme paranoia, depression or extensive use of untested topicals.


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I see bald people.

I see them all the time,

walking around,

like regular people.

They're everywhere.

Some of them scare me.

Some of them don't know

they're bald.


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spiveslude said:
Unfortunately I have become.... a Norwood Watcher

Dont fight it ... there is no resisting, welcome to the secret society.:devil:


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Your membership and badge is in the post. You've entered the sacred society of Norwood watchers, also a poster of Dr Norwood for you to pray under.

Quantum Cat

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whenever I see a bald/balding person I photo them on my mobile phone - I then print them out and stick them on my bald wall - I have a huge collection now. People think I'm odd but that doesn't bother me.... :woot:


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I bet i'm gonna get in trouble one of these days :whistle:

I went to the cash machine today and I was looking at the scalp of a random man. I think he got annoyed that I was staring at him... I quickly turned my head the other way, but someone will eventually get in an argument with me :dunno:


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im guilty of Norwood watching as well!

something inside me wants to talk with my working peers about hair loss solutions

but im afraid that they will just think im weird even though i want to help

maybe they are secure with their hair loss and im the only one that's not

by the way im thinning to Norwood 3


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Nah there wasnt that many Norwood 1s at my school. I mean to say there were plenty of receeding and thinning dudes.


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I work at a secondary school in a semi-rural area, kids age 11 - 18 go there, only ONE of the kids out of them all has any kind of male pattern baldness, he's NW2.5 at 18. All of the other kids (age 15-18 I norwood spot mostly) all have NW1's, some of them have massive hair - big thick dreads, a massive afro, long hair etc.

About 70% of the male staff are higher than NW5 however. 80%+ of the male staff are above NW2. tbh I see a lot of bald 25+ guys, it's very seldom I'll see people younger than that with male pattern baldness. I'm from a small town in the UK.


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BodyDysmorphic said:
im guilty of Norwood watching as well!

something inside me wants to talk with my working peers about hair loss solutions

but im afraid that they will just think im weird even though i want to help

maybe they are secure with their hair loss and im the only one that's not

by the way im thinning to Norwood 3

I've done that... Most people pretend that they aren't interested, but deep down inside it's killing them. I'm not a very emotional guy, but I don't mind talking about emotions and feelings. Most guys have a problem with talking about their "insecurities" (my ex gf will tell you that I'm one of them as well).

When I told couple of my balding friends that I was considering trying a few hairloss treatments they laughed at me. They said when their hairloss gets worse, they'll just shave it off.... That's the attitude they have... On the other hand, one of them must be using so much shampoo that every single time we go to the supermarket he buys a new bottle. Maybe he thinks using more shampoo will help his hair :dunno:

I mean, what's wrong with talking about hairloss? A female friend told me that her boyfriend was very insecure about his male pattern baldness, obviously he confides in her, but I bet he wouldn't tell his "friends".