United pharmacies complaint


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Hey guys,

I ordered finpecia from UnitedPharmacies.com but made a mistake in inputting my credit card expiry date. So, they automatically wrote me back saying that I need to correct the data. Check this: they had all my credit card data in plain text in the email, including credit card number in full!

I wrote back with correct expiry date, taking care to x out my details. Two weeks later, I write asking if they have shipped my order? They come back today, more than two weeks after I placed my order, to say "oops sorry" but your expiry date was declined and we thought we emailed you about it, could you please correct it" and AGAIN my data was in plain text - freely available to the cheapest email sniffer around.

So, WARNING: these guys don't take security seriously.

I am definitely not going through with this order.

Question: any one know where I can get cheap finpecia? They have it at $45 for 100 tablets - which is a pretty good price.



1ais4me said:
Hey guys,

I ordered finpecia from UnitedPharmacies.com but made a mistake in inputting my credit card expiry date. So, they automatically wrote me back saying that I need to correct the data. Check this: they had all my credit card data in plain text in the email, including credit card number in full!

I wrote back with correct expiry date, taking care to x out my details. Two weeks later, I write asking if they have shipped my order? They come back today, more than two weeks after I placed my order, to say "oops sorry" but your expiry date was declined and we thought we emailed you about it, could you please correct it" and AGAIN my data was in plain text - freely available to the cheapest email sniffer around.

So, WARNING: these guys don't take security seriously.


That is pretty bad! Infact that is awful!!

And people wonder why identity fraud is sky rocketing!!!!

you are right to not use them again!!!!!!!




card n°: 6969 2419 4001 6237
valid: 1/04 exp: 01/06
security code: 366


New Member
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OK... focussing at the problem at hand: any one know where I can get cheap finpecia? Anything lower than $45 for 100 tablets?

I am in London, UK.



Established Member
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1ais4me said:
OK... focussing at the problem at hand: any one know where I can get cheap finpecia? Anything lower than $45 for 100 tablets?

I am in London, UK.


Steve you might try these people. I would hope they conduct business over a secure server and don't send confidential data in an unencrypted email for God's sake.

I am planning on giving them a try in the future. I will send an email asking them about their security for on-line transactions in advance after reading your experience with United Pharmacies.

Thanks for the heads up.
