Unscented Rogaine Foam


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Hey All,

I personally can't stand the rogaine foam fragrance. It could be worse, but... I saw a post the other day that said rogaine had come out with an unscented version. Sure enough it was on the website, so I bought a bottle. Much to my dismay, this bottle had the same nauseating smell. I went to the website, and the unscented version was no longer there. I emailed them and do expect a refund or compensation. I guess my main question is what happened to the unscented version? It seemed there was a demand for it.


Far Too Young

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I really don't think it's any worse than your average hairspray. It's got an alcoholic base. What can you expect?


Experienced Member
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i have no idea i saw it on their site and thought that it exists im very sad to hear this i hate this smell its cheap it might smell like a hairspray but like then like a very cheap one one :x


Senior Member
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Ok, I've said this before, so please don't take any offense to this but is the smell that much of a problem!?! have you used the liquid rogaine for any period of time? if you have then the foam is an absolute godsend. it is soooo much better then the other crap its not even close. personally, even if I despised the smell it would still be worth it but the smell isnt that bad at all. It smells like shaving cream or such at the very worst! You are not the only person to complain about it so I am very perplexed.


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Rogaine Inquiries

The smell being a problem is obviously very different from person to person. Yes, it could be worse. It could also not be there at all. Furthermore, I ordered the unscented version. Look at these two inquiries/replies from the rogaine website. I used two different email addresses.

Inquiry 1:

My order was wrong. I ordered unscented foam but received scented. Did you stop making it unscented. It needs to be made. The fragrance is far too strong.

Reply 1:

Thank you for your recent inquiry. There is only one style of foam that
we sell. You are welcome to return it by following the instructions on the
back of your packing slip.

This obviously leads one to believe that there is no unscented foam. Now for the second.

Inquiry 2:

What happened to the unscented foam on the website. Please don't tell me that it isn't being made anymore! I really don't like the fragrance.... it
is far too strong and a bit womanly.

Reply 2:

Thank you for your recent inquiry. There is only one style of foam that
we sell and it is non scented. Feel free to email us with any further

One style... non-scented? Sounds like they are just trying to tell me what I want to hear... I guess it could smell worse without the fragrance, but no fragrance at all would certainly be ideal, at least for myself. No, I have never use regular rogaine, so I can't identify with anyone on that. Like I said, I think the smell just hits people differently. My only concern is how it hits my lady friend(s). :)


Experienced Member
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id think any lady with taste woulde just think to herself -what a cheap smell this guys hair stinks of
but only for the 1st hour or so afterwards its mostly away allready