Update and question


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I've been on minoxidil for about a year and a half, Propecia since last July, and nizoral T-gel and T-sel for a year as well. I still have a full head of hair, cant see much thinning. My temples are a little exposed . . . I keep seeing tiny hairs popping up there, but they never seem to mature, just seems like I have these tiny hairs always. However, ive been shedding everyday since Nov. Are sheds supposed to last this long? Should I expect it to stop or continue?

Any advice or comments is greatly appreciated. Thanks


Established Member
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where do you use the minoxidil????

did your hair get worse before it got better and how?

ive been on NANO for a while and it helps with the sheds and also is a
growth stim, i hear folligen and crinagen help with sheds as well

best of luck


Established Member
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where do you use the minoxidil????

did your hair get worse before it got better and how?

ive been on NANO for a while and it helps with the sheds and also is a
growth stim, i hear folligen and crinagen help with sheds as well

best of luck


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minoxidil all over vertex and temples . . . i have a hunch minoxidil is reponsible for the temple hairs, but like I said never seem to mature. As far as those other treatments I dont know much about them. Thanks.


are you losing a ton of density and is it getting thinner? hopefully its just a normal shed. give it about another month and things will probably get back to normal. keep us updated on this.

The Gardener

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Well, one thing I have noticed about the minoxidil effect on my temples is the strange way that the hairs have grown in. That is, when I first started it, I got a whole patch of what seemed like tiny vellous hairs on steroids... just a little bigger than the ambient blonde hairlets that are already all over the face, but not big enough to actually be called "hair".

I initially got excited, thinking that all of these little hairlets were on their way for a big time David Schwimmer-like hairline. Boy, was I wrong.

The hairlets remained hairlets... BUT.

But, over the months, I have noticed that the real regrowth does not occur simultaneously all over this patch of juvenile regrown hair. For me, it is happening slowly, hair by hair, from the edge of the real hairline.

So, I ask you, you might still see these little hairlets on your temples... I think that is normal. But, have any of these hairlets that are near the unaffected, full hairline grown into longer hairs?

If you have noticed no improvement, and you are dead set on trying to get those little buggers to grow asap, you might consider adding in a topical DHT inhibitor such as Xandrox or spironolactone. It might be the missing ingredient?


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Yes I have notice at some at the nearest to my true hairline have grown to full length. Thanks for the responses so far.