Update on Diddy's Gyno Scare. Also Q on TAMOXIFEN


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Well, i've been off propecia now for 5-6 days or so and...
1) Nipple discomfort went away for about 4 days, but i feel it kind of again today, so i dunno wtf
2) Man you don't realize how much propecia messes with your hormones until you are off it, even for a little bit. I've been so moody these past couple of days its insane, yelling at people for no reason and sh*t
3) I'm going to go back on Propecia in 2 days at .5mg a dose. I just gotta, its my only serious chance to keep my hair.

I'm also now switching to a cut diet, instead of continuing my bulk. I've gained to pounds so that's good enough for now, from everything i've read fat provides the channel for estrogen/gyno to form, so less bf% / fat intake the better.

Finally, what's the concensus of Nova/Tamoxifen??? It seems to be almost completely same from what i've read (<1% chance of serious problems like blood clots etc, seems to just compete for estrogen, not actually a suicide inhibitor like stronget stuff)

If it is quite safe i don't have the biggest problem with maybe going on that....

Thanks Guys.