Update on L'oreal's "Hair Mass" formula


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Hey all,

I remember back in 2005 L'oreal patented a formula involving Taurine, zinc, etc that was supposed to help hair-loss sufferers (michael barry had a huge post on it). I think they updated the formula this year; does anyone have any further information on this; whether it was effective or if the ingredients have merit?
I am thinking about adding it to my regimen. Thank you for your time.


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its called Densitive by keratase loreal.

Its pills it just contains like tuarine, green tea and grape seed extract.

they cost 60 bucks for 60 pills.

I think they are brand new.


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Thanks for the info. Can anyone comment on whether this stuff sounds like its worth a shot or not? Thanks.


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I think this is intended for WOMEN not men.

and it cost 60 bucks for 60 pills and you have to take 2 pills a day 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening.

so thats only good for 30 days

here is the info on the site there clincal studies.

78% of users saw a reduction in hairloss in 6 months and 72 test participants used this.

I dont get the hairloss chart the participants first started with losing only 65 strands a hair a week! by the end of 6 months they only lost total a week around 40 hairs. I dont know if that is a significant change. But I doubt it will work for people with male pattern baldness I think also this is for WOMEN! not men.

http://www.kerastase-usa.com/_en/_us/co ... ?section=3


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If i remember correctly from Michael Barry's earlier post and the study I read; this should be equally viable for men and women (because the way it helps has nothing to do with DHT etc).


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http://www.hairloss-research.org/Update ... l7-07.html

...." L’Oreal also had the summary abstract of a 6 month placebo controlled, double blind study on their site involving 36 women between the ages of 18-45 with “thinningâ€￾ hair. Improvement was noted in 100% of the women receiving Hair Mass in only 7 weeks. All cases of thinning hair were apparently “resolvedâ€￾ after 6 months.

L-Taurine’s benefits for hair are not gender specific, the data referenced in their patent application showed benefits for men as well. The effects of fibrosis on hair do not apparently discriminate on the basis of gender."

Also....it said that it was 45 dollars for a 1 month supply, not bad at all the product does what the company claims it does.

I'm going to do a little more research on this...and i think i may try it out...if i do, i will keep u updated on the results.


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I've been taking to for a few weeks now... too soon to see results but I will keep you posted.


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My Regimen
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Ouroboros said:
I've been taking to for a few weeks now... too soon to see results but I will keep you posted.

It's almost 6 months since you posted that - so, what results have you had?


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Hey all,

So far I think my total results are mild/moderate regrowth. My part seems to be filling in and i see a whole later of shorter hairs near my temples. I am also using tricomin and nizoral so my results may also be due to them. So far I guess I can't complain; its just been steady and very slow progress, but progress nonetheless.


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Is this Keratese company for real? How is it related to Loreal? I don't see any corporate information, etc. posted on the website and it has some interesting miss-spellings ("complexe" instead of "complete" for example).

Anyone else notice results?
