update soy2


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:listen:joo ive been eating soy for the last 4 1/2 months. Like crazy. As promised heres my conclusion so far:

Soy last 4 1/2 months:
Age: 28
Other medication: Topical retinoids for face. (still some acne though but less).
Hairloss before soy: Norwood 1,5 with hairloss all over.
Hairloss With soy : NW2 and hairloss all over stopped. (before when i woke up and pull my hand trough my hair i would get a LOT of hairs in my hand.. The itching on my scalp stopped.)

Negative side effects:
- 1/3 months.. tiredness.. depressed feelings.. brain fatique. > Now its good.
- 2/3 months.. Erectile problems & less seamen. > Now its okay.
- 3/4 Months sometimes pain in my ballzz. > it still hurts sometimes.

Positive side effects:
- For this first time in my life i control my weight and eat craving.. Im almost never hungry! (< this is sometimes a bad thing too)
- My concentration is a little bit better and my anxiety is far more less to none.. (but sometimes i just feel emptyness).


I dont know if soy can benefit my hair loss.. because my receding hairline just receded the last months so fast.. My left side is very glassy and the right side just lost some hair.

Im thinking about just taking finasteride.. or continue the soy too at least 6 months of use..?



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it's great to make experiments and to share it, but i don't think eat soy will stop your hairloss.
I drink soy milk daily, eat soy yogurt daily too, use soy sauce several times a week (all of that for years) and still..
you should jump on a proven treatment


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it's great to make experiments and to share it, but i don't think eat soy will stop your hairloss.
I drink soy milk daily, eat soy yogurt daily too, use soy sauce several times a week (all of that for years) and still..
you should jump on a proven treatment

Thank you for your comment. I only eat fermented soy.. not soymilk or soy yoghurt, i think those are bad for your health. Did u experience any sides?

Im deff going on finasteride 0,25mg but im stalling it a little bit too think it over.. its only for my receding hairline and some claim that it wont help for the hairline because finasteride will higher the T levels and the frontal area is also weak for T.. at least.. thats what i read about it her on this forum.


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nop no sides from soy.. finasteride help a lot of ppl maintaining hairline actually


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Why do i ve sides then from soy -_-.. i will discuss finasteride with my Doctor. The last discussion he woudnt give me it yet.. and its not in my mind.. i didnt believe food could give u sides so i went crazy on soy.. im part asain so my other half of the family goes crazy on soy.. so i went 2


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unless you can produce equol from soy-isoflavones, but i have no idea if it might produce the sides you have... don't want to say stupid things


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im not bull****ting man.. i can send u pictures from my body fat weight scale.. i was for years between 18/22% bf.. and 74/80 kg.. im now 71kg and 13,6% bf (bodyfat).. i changed nothing..

2 years ago.. i went on a heavy diet.. too get a lower bf.. because i wanted abs.. my lowest at that point was 16+ %..

Only sometimes i feel my prostate area hurts.. my dick hurted so bad a month and a half back.. i only could get semi erections.. but now its ok.. not good.. but ok


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Over the years I've read all sorts of sides caused by soy or soy milk... even gyno and body hair shed. I remember this guy lost ALL of his leg hair(not kidding). It does have effect on estrogen receptors. Wouldn't surprise me a bit, if OPs sides were real.


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Over the years I've read all sorts of sides caused by soy or soy milk... even gyno and body hair shed. I remember this guy lost ALL of his leg hair(not kidding). It does have effect on estrogen receptors. Wouldn't surprise me a bit, if OPs sides were real.

Thanks for ur comment.. the side thats still present today is that my dick sometimes hurts.. it feels like a sore muscle (it has no muscles i know, but the feeling).

Shall i quit and hop on fina.. ? many hairs on my hairline dissapeared -_-


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Some of the Op sides look like finasteride sides, does Equol might induce the same sides by binding DHT??


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OP, i dont know. You have to weigh your pros and cons and decide. In the long run: I'm not so sure, its just not practical...and I know what i'm talking about after 6months of pumpkin seeds and THIS: http://www.phyticacid.org/soy-phytic-acid/ this is the problem with most of the seeds.


I have no idea. It could mess with testosteron : E ratio, sink free T. This would cause similar sides, on the other hand-OP reports reduced itch ;)


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Thought I'd chime in with my experience with soy.

I have eaten soy all my life - it's part of my regular diet. It didn't really have any special effect on me that I noticed before, and I didn't think anything of it.

Anyway, I started taking propecia in Jan 2014 for about a week and a half - 0.25mg, every day. I stopped due to soreness in my chest, and a weird sensation around my nipples. I didn't want to risk gyno (of all the possible sides, why gyno, dammit...), so I stopped. Since stopping propecia, the sensation in my chest seems to have gone away, although there were a couple of times when I had soy, I am pretty sure the sensation came back - although not as strong, and only briefly. I thought it was interesting (and a bit scary in my case, because of my fears of gyno) that the soy had the same side effect of propecia. I heard that it can increase estrogen levels, so perhaps this had something to do with it.

For the past while though, eating soy didn't seem to have any gyno effects.


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OP, i dont know. You have to weigh your pros and cons and decide. In the long run: I'm not so sure, its just not practical...and I know what i'm talking about after 6months of pumpkin seeds and THIS: http://www.phyticacid.org/soy-phytic-acid/ this is the problem with most of the seeds.


I have no idea. It could mess with testosteron : E ratio, sink free T. This would cause similar sides, on the other hand-OP reports reduced itch ;)

Before i ate it.. if the showerhead rains over my head while showering i could feel a tingeling on my head.. now i dont.

I cant maintain the hairline on soy only.. i guess. i will start ketoconazol 2% asap then i will add fina 0,25 ad.
Ive have eczema.. so rogain is no option (i tried it though).

heres some question about fina..

-Can it stop ur hair from receding? (maybe grow a little back?)
-What if i make a girl pregnant while on finasteride..?
-Im prone to get acne.. can fina prevent or cause acne?
-Im 28.. does fina work on me?


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I can confirm soy sides. I was on soy involuntarily (ex... girls be crazy) for a while. Didn't go so far as erectile problems, but definitely depression. In my case it was pure soy and soy-cheese, but no soy milk, if that helps. And when I would not eat soy for a couple of days and instead regular meat, wheat etc again, depression would go away. As the time I put up with this nonsense was about 2 months, I can't say if it had any positive effect on hair. Didn't notice any at all. But soy sides definitely occured.


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Do you know what is the purpose of isoflavones in the (soy) plant? Isoflavones are pesticides. They function against the plant's predators: They hinder their reproduction and growth. Soy has been shown to negatively impact the growth of human hair (decrease hair diameter and so on..), but I have not saved the study so I cannot deliver on this claim. In theory isoflavones - as they are weak estrogens and can replace local estrogens - are especially bad for frontal hair for estrogens have been shown to be beneficial for frontal hair; and frontal loss is likely due to low local aromatase activity. If for some reason you want to eat soy (protein), use isoflavone-free soy protein isolate (mind you there are also isoflavone-rich soy protein isolates on the market, especially in the US!).


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you can also find studies claming soy isoflavones are good for hair growth