


Soon I will be coming to the end of my 4-month stint on Proscar. So here is an update.

When I started Proscar my hair had already gone a bit bad around the temples but I still had a good hairline. Now after 4 months I have seen new hair popping up around the hairline and also around the temples. That fact that this hair is growing is a good sign because it means the hair is still active in those areas.

The hair around the temples is not dark like the hairs around the hairline so I assume this will shed and hopefully grow back later darker and stronger. The left side temples seems to be fairing better than the right but it still looks OK.

On the sex side I have no complaints and neither does my girlfriend.

So after 4 months on Proscar I can say that I am happy with the results. Lets see what happens over the next few months!
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Great!!! Your seeing some results. It's good to hear a reasonable person post their results. It's kinda disheartening to hear some say half their hair has since fallen off and their dick's in the dirt.

Anyway, nice post. Hope to hear more good news.

The shedder

Established Member
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Congrats, its good to hear you caught it early and you can still salvage your hairline. And no sexual side effects is good to hear for you and your ladyfreind