Updated Pics on my situation


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So here are some more pics, I think its a bit more obvious here, although its still not as good as real life.

-- I haven't noticed really exsesive hair loss, In the shower, I rubbed my head rather aggressively... not too aggresive tho, and I put my hand on the white wall, and I saw like 4-5 hairs.. I know that seems like nothing.
the temple hairs tho are getting lighter colored, and I doubt I could see them, even in the picture some of them are too fine to see.

I have an issue with age, I explained it all in my other thread so here is a link.[url]http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discus ... sc&start=0[/url]

And here is a link, to MY PICTURES


Senior Member
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RandyDandy said:
So here are some more pics, I think its a bit more obvious here, although its still not as good as real life.

-- I haven't noticed really exsesive hair loss, In the shower, I rubbed my head rather aggressively... not too aggresive tho, and I put my hand on the white wall, and I saw like 4-5 hairs.. I know that seems like nothing.
the temple hairs tho are getting lighter colored, and I doubt I could see them, even in the picture some of them are too fine to see.

I have an issue with age, I explained it all in my other thread so here is a link.[url]http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discus ... sc&start=0[/url]

And here is a link, to MY PICTURES

Doesn't look like male pattern baldness.



Experienced Member
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get on propecia, i think you will be okay.

did you realize that just about everyone's hair is thinner in that area. its just the natural progression of everyone's hair and hairline, it starts out thinner on the sides, then gets thinner as you go back. mine is the exact same way. it could be that you noticed your hair getting a bit thinner on top and are just NOW noticing that thinner area on the sides, you probably always had it man.


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I've always had kinda a high forehead, maybe I am just noticing it now cuz i'm paying way more attention to it.. Thats possible, but I'm just not sure, I guess its time to take out the photoalbum.

If it helps any, when my hair is longer it gets curly--