Upping the finasteride to 5mg and I'll tell you why...

Kevin fretwell

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The phase two trials of dutasteride as a hairloss drug , the initial dose was a wopping 5mg and then they dropped it , so with that said I don't want to wait the four months finasteride needs to totally kick into gear .Duts 5mg beginning dose has had an impact on the success of the phase two trials and needs to be considered when weighing the two drugs effectiveness to each other .Members are posting that they didn't get the results they exspected , well its not surprising because they didn't initially apply 5mg .I've been on finasteride for 45 days and I'm going to 5mg untill my three month mark is up then back to 1.25 mg .


Interesting theory, Someone else on this board also mentioned taking the 5mg dose for a few days and then back to 1.25mg.

Let us know how it goes. If you have cracking pair of tits and no balls in 3 months then I will know to stay away from 5mg doses!

Green Soap

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When I start finasteride, how long should I apply 5 mg?

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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Actually , dutasteride only takes two weeks of 5mg to wipe out 90% so with that said I'll apply it only for two weeks and then jump on finasteride as regular .I don't think two weeks of dutasteride can cause tits .

Green Soap

Established Member
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Okay, you've lost me with your spaghetti post. Are you upping finasteride or taking dutasteride. Which one is it?

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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My apollogizes , for the rash post without double checking trials .Although I am going to dutasteride 5mg for two weeks and then to finasteride .Daring and stupid but I feel some advances are in need and no one else is willing to be the first .


Let me get this straight. So basically you are saying you are going to use 5mg of dutasteride for 2 weeks; 1x per day. Then after that you are going to drop the dutasteride indefinately and return back to 1.25mg of finasteride. Am I correct?


New Member
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I would not recommend 5 mg finasteride / day.Just look at the proscar data which shows an incredible increase in the % of ppl who had "impotence" side effects.The number is like 8% had ED side effects when taking a 5 mg dose so u should think about it!


So let me get to grips with this. Is that you in the portrait. Do you really need to take dutasteride or finasteride.