urine injections in left testicle to stop hair loss - works!


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beautiful hair for 3 dollars
I have tried many things to stop hairloss.
Nioxin, Androcur, and others.
Hairloss is mainly occuring because my
body produces more testosterone than
"normal" people. A bloodtest confirmed my
level is about 2 and a half above average.

With the use of Androcur 50 mg, the problem stopped,
but after a few months without Androcur, the hair fall
again. So here is what I did. I read in a newspaper a doctor
said that if for any medical reason, urine would go into the wrong way,
that is toward the testicule, this testicule would stop producing
hormone and sperms. The acidity of urine will destroy partly or
totally the cells that produce testosterone.

I bought a seringe on the street (about 3 dollars or less),
filled it with my own urine, then rubbing the left side with
alcool, then very slowly inserted the needle to the center of my
left testicule, it was almost painless, then injected a bit, then
retracting the needle, injected a bit more, to insure urine goes
every where inside the "ball". After about 30 second, the acidity
began to work, a slight burning sensation lasted about 5 minutes.
I knew it was working. This is the second time I do it in 3 months.
This first time I did it after I add a few glasses of brandy.
I feel no shame nor regret. Because I am quite vicious, I did not
touch the right side. I did not wish total anihilation of pleasure,
just the haft, to save my hair.

The result in the next days was beautiful hair, less drive,
calm attitude. I still enjoy pleasure, but less often. I am also
less "jumpy", less aggressive. I enjoy life better. I my drive
comes back like it was, I will do the same treatment again, on
the same side. At 52 I dont feel ready yet to become a full time monk.
Important for me: there was no reduction of my penis size, even tho
I was not really scared about this.

Before risking the other side, I would have to know someone who
lives without the use of both testies, how he enjoy his lifestyle, and
so on. I am tempted, but a bit worried to jump all the way.
I feel this cheap treatment is much better than Androcur and
hormones. Also, I am more "dry", I transpire much less.
I love this.



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lol yea thats weird but atleast we know that androcur can stop hair loss, but it can cause infertililty as a downside.


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stnl, what are you? Boy, you're weird! You really did that? I'm speechless!
What's androcur and where do i find it? Anyone?


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my brother has one testicle and he lives fine.
No problems. Lots of sperm also!


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hi hairlessGR , if u read my first post u will find that i didnot do it, but another person on the forum did that, john michels

androcur is a chemical castration drug that stops hairloss by reducing testosterone from body, it can be bought online , but can cause infertility and rarely some severe side effects.

here is my chat with john

[11:44] <sntl> hi
[11:44] <JohnMichel> hi
[11:45] <sntl> ur theory is weird the urine thing
[11:45] <JohnMichel> side effect i got from androcur were not a nightmare, but some physical discomfort
[11:45] <sntl> but does androcur stop it?
[11:45] <JohnMichel> yes i admit it sounds weird
[11:46] <JohnMichel> it did stop hairloss but only while taking it dayly, with discipline
[11:46] <sntl> ok
[11:46] <sntl> so are u still doing ur urine thing?
[11:47] <JohnMichel> libido is then anihilated (almost totally) after 3 months, your liver aches, your kidneys ackes, you get weak physically, desidrated, hypersensible, and so on
[11:47] <JohnMichel> i did inject urine (mine) 3 months ago, so the acidity would neutralise hormone production
[11:48] <JohnMichel> between the 2 solution, i prefer the injection


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HairLessGR said:
my brother has one testicle and he lives fine.
No problems. Lots of sperm also!

I'd love to know how the discussion of the quantity of your brother's sperm came up.... :roll:


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I call BS.

I had my left testicle made "inactive" by way of having it removed due to cancer.

No effect on hair loss. No effect on sex drive, and your remaining nut is gonna kick in to make up the deficiency of the other side. That's why you have two of them. Within one year of the surgery my testosterone level returned to my baseline (before orchiectomy).

Besides that, urine does not travel to the testicle. The testicle is not even connected to the urinary tract -- when they had to operate, they went in under my kidney.

Now, it's true that people can do pretty stupid things to injur a teste, but it's idiotic because trauma of any type may contribute to the risk of developing testicular cancer.