urine therapy

Green Soap

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so I'm trying it.

For years I tried finasteride/rogain, and while it sure worked, I think finasteride has a very subtle bitchmade effect over the years, like a frog in a slowly heating pot. I've been off for years and I feel much more whole/clear/manly. And I'm hearing rumors that Rogain was developed from a compound of rat piss, so I'm trying urine therapy.

I wouldn't try this if it wasn't for a doctor online (I buy his health products), and in his video blog someone asked him about hairloss, and he laughed, but then talked about urine and how it helps with hairloss. Since then I seriously began looking at it, reading what I could find. The consensus is that urine is a powerful medicine, by numerous anecdotal (and even current celebrity) evidence, historical accounts, etc, but that there is no scientific backing because nobody wants to do serious tests on something that's free.

Yet a lot of products are apparently developed from it.

So anyway, I've been doing it for a few days now. I'm using no other products, I've used up my last can of rogain foam.

You're supposed to use the first piss from the morning, it's the premier stuff, you let it come out for a second, then catch the midstream in a cup, then don't use the last part. I rub vigorously on whole scalp and face (good for skin too, apparently). It dries and doesn't smell. The skin fully absorbs it. Don't put on too much though, obviously. I leave it in all day. It doesn't leave a smell, but it doesn leave your pheromones, which can be picked up (and I'll be honest, I was hahahaah very popular at work ;) )

My head is also trimmed to 1mm, fwiw.

Anyway, urine is water, urea, and a complex of beneficial molecules, minerals, hormonesm it's an alphabet list of good things there. It is completely sterile and clean, and useful as long as your diet is good.

All I drink is green tea, rooibos tea, dandelion root, etc. And my diet is very high quiality, vegetables, berries, nuts, good cuts of meat.

I'll keep you all posted on my progress in a few months.

I am highly anticipatory of great results.

Till then.


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How about taking a dip in raw sewage every morning ? More organic nutrients at your disposal.That could work :whistle:


Green Soap

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or I could keep my results to myself. Your call *shrugs*. I used to think it sounded crazy too. No, giving yourself bitchtits is crazy.



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Im curious, can you show us the process of how you retrieve and apply this new therapy?....... Im saying, i just want to see for learning purposes.

Yeah, thats is.......Learning purposes, purely educational



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Yeah I've heard of this from some VERY confident and far from clueless sources, so I too am interested. Keep us/me posted but bear in mind of course that regardless you may well have a significant shed from stopping the minoxidil (Rogaine). I wish you luck with it though man, I've been curious about it before as my friend claimed it worked but I never had enough faith to try it lol

Good luck :)


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Anyway, urine is water, urea, and a complex of beneficial molecules

if its so beneficial, why did the kidneys get rid of it, and not reabsorb it.

i do agree that giving urself bitchtits with finasteride is a bit crazy, but so is using urine on ur scalp. do u rub poo in ur hair as well?, thats got lots of wasted molecules in it as well. of course if the body needed them, it would have taken them.

im not taking the 'piss', lol, in fact in my physiology class for my science degree we have discussed this intensely because we know how many ppl support it, but all the professors i have heard speak about it think it is ridiculous.

urine is a perfect tool for analysis, not a perfect medicine. If it worked at all for hairloss, we would know by now, since ppl have been doing it for thousands of years and all.

i guess its still not as disgusting as rubbing male ejaculate on ur scalp, which i've seen chinese medicine doctors prescribe before on websites.

Green Soap

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I was going to wait a while longer as it's only been about a month and a week, I was going to wait another month or so and then make a quick post suggesting anyone interested could just PM me. This forum is full of pseudo-experts churned out by the medicinal-industrial machine and I have nothing to gain by sharing this information and no interest in a bully debate.

For the record, I'm 36 and have been a user of/ reader of this forum pretty much since its inception (I've had three or four accounts). I was a long term user of minoxidil in various forms and finasteride.

I am a NW2 diffuse thinner, entire scalp, and have been so since 17. minoxidil and finasteride had given me quite a ride. I would go through very good months and very bad months. It got to the point where I just continued using the products but eventually just started shaving my head with an electric trimmer, lowest setting, no attachment. It looks good this way, to the point where people say, "you aren't even that bald", however I am clearly thinning, with temples leaving and (ironic, since this was supposed to be minoxidil/fins strong suit) and thinnish crown. I look like someone who could have a full head of hair if something where to work.

On urine. Results? At this point, yes, and it is the damndest thing I've ever seen. Just so you know, I've gone whole hog with it, and I am also drinking it, but this way because I spent time reading up on the subject, and found the history of this application extremely compelling. Urine is not fecal matter. Urine is a special unique blend, at that time created, to each person, that seems to have highly medicinal, nutritional properties. The analogy that makes the most sense to me: composting, or fertilizing. Leaves fall from trees and go back into the earth, providing nutrients for the very trees they fell from.

There are some good books on the subject.

Very well, my experience thus far: first of all, my diet is immaculate, and has been so for more than a couple years. Very little alcohol, lots of fresh fruits, berries, melon, spinach, fish, good cuts of steak, nuts, etc. Green teas, Rooibos teas, no dairy, etc.

This makes a huge difference when ingesting. You're going to laugh because I got over the societally bred gag reflex very quickly because I was able to intellectualize what was happening, and the fact that due to my diet, my stuff doesn't taste bad at all!

I believe that ingesting as just as strong an effect on your hair as probably applying topically. Without a doubt it has had strong effects on regulating my mood, hormones, sleep patterns, general feelings of well being, it has given my skin a remarkable sheen and healthy glow, it has also improved my digestion incredibly, and also energy levels are very high. You feel great. I actually drink after working out and the effect is better than any recovery drink I've ever had.

On to hair. I apply twice a day, once in the morning with the best stuff, and at night. At least an hour after eating at night. I add a drop of DMSO liquid as a carrier molecule. Only the TEEEENIEST amount applied with a dropper, as the skin seems to absorb urine quite readily on its own, and I was seeing results very quickly without DMSO, that and DMSO in large quantity is probably not good for you.

Within two weeks I noticed a darkening of my hair shafts. The hairs on the front of my head rapidly are becoming thick and strong shafts, gone are the reedy, thin little hairs. The quialty of the hair when I run my hand over

Green Soap

Established Member
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is soft, but full feeling. The most exciting indicator so far, however, is that there are small dark hairs visible in my temple region, and some (a small handful) of them are actually coming in below the hairline. It looks awkward and I trim them, but it's neat to see.

Overall, when I grow my hair out a few milimeters, it has a darker, fuller appearance than it's had before. I certainly feel more confident as well.

I expect slow, steady improvement over the coming months. How good will it get? No way to tell. Definitely done with medications.

Believe what you want, lots of medicines are urine derivatives, including minoxidil and lots of skin creams, various drugs.

So take all that for what you want. Believe whatever you want, I could care less. Seriously, I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK. I know my experience, and I can definitely feel changes occuring within my body, and a qualitative change in my hair.

That's all for now, I'll post again in a few months. I just got texted by my new neighboy girl and I'm going to answer her invite for ice cream and a movie.

Oh, incidentally, this is something I would NEVER admit to anyone in real life, due to the stigma. Luckily, it's true that it doesn't smell after it dries. If concerned anyway, you can always use some lotion. It does leave a whiff of pheromone however, but it hasn't affected me in the slightest. I've even been at work within half an hour of bathing my head and face in it (great for the skin), and have had zero adverse effect. On contrary... I'm about to go have ice cream.
All for now.


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As a veteran in hair loss forums, you might to know that photographs are very important to reinforce your words.
the die is cast,


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wth said:
I was going to wait a while longer as it's only been about a month and a week, I was going to wait another month or so and then make a quick post suggesting anyone interested could just PM me. This forum is full of pseudo-experts churned out by the medicinal-industrial machine and I have nothing to gain by sharing this information and no interest in a bully debate.

For the record, I'm 36 and have been a user of/ reader of this forum pretty much since its inception (I've had three or four accounts). I was a long term user of minoxidil in various forms and finasteride.

I am a NW2 diffuse thinner, entire scalp, and have been so since 17. minoxidil and finasteride had given me quite a ride. I would go through very good months and very bad months. It got to the point where I just continued using the products but eventually just started shaving my head with an electric trimmer, lowest setting, no attachment. It looks good this way, to the point where people say, "you aren't even that bald", however I am clearly thinning, with temples leaving and (ironic, since this was supposed to be minoxidil/fins strong suit) and thinnish crown. I look like someone who could have a full head of hair if something where to work.

On urine. Results? At this point, yes, and it is the damndest thing I've ever seen. Just so you know, I've gone whole hog with it, and I am also drinking it, but this way because I spent time reading up on the subject, and found the history of this application extremely compelling. Urine is not fecal matter. Urine is a special unique blend, at that time created, to each person, that seems to have highly medicinal, nutritional properties. The analogy that makes the most sense to me: composting, or fertilizing. Leaves fall from trees and go back into the earth, providing nutrients for the very trees they fell from.

There are some good books on the subject.

Very well, my experience thus far: first of all, my diet is immaculate, and has been so for more than a couple years. Very little alcohol, lots of fresh fruits, berries, melon, spinach, fish, good cuts of steak, nuts, etc. Green teas, Rooibos teas, no dairy, etc.

This makes a huge difference when ingesting. You're going to laugh because I got over the societally bred gag reflex very quickly because I was able to intellectualize what was happening, and the fact that due to my diet, my stuff doesn't taste bad at all!

I believe that ingesting as just as strong an effect on your hair as probably applying topically. Without a doubt it has had strong effects on regulating my mood, hormones, sleep patterns, general feelings of well being, it has given my skin a remarkable sheen and healthy glow, it has also improved my digestion incredibly, and also energy levels are very high. You feel great. I actually drink after working out and the effect is better than any recovery drink I've ever had.

On to hair. I apply twice a day, once in the morning with the best stuff, and at night. At least an hour after eating at night. I add a drop of DMSO liquid as a carrier molecule. Only the TEEEENIEST amount applied with a dropper, as the skin seems to absorb urine quite readily on its own, and I was seeing results very quickly without DMSO, that and DMSO in large quantity is probably not good for you.

Within two weeks I noticed a darkening of my hair shafts. The hairs on the front of my head rapidly are becoming thick and strong shafts, gone are the reedy, thin little hairs. The quialty of the hair when I run my hand over

Woah strike a light you actually believe it's working O.O

People always claim this one works but dude it just makes no sense lol - urine isn't an antiandrogen or any of that stuff lol

That's very cool if you think you are seeing results though. I too would love to see pics at some point. This is an approach I have heard several times with great confidence/results from people and I would like nothing more than for it to be true :)

EDIT - And don't worry about the people who don't seem to care. Problem is this remedy doesn't fall into either of the generally accepted hair loss treatment categories (antiandrogens and growth stimulants), or at least not neatly, and so people can't see the.. relevance.. of such a remedy regardless of it's medicinal properties - you know?

However i DEFINITELY care, and also I'd like to shine light on this video that we stumbled upon a while back on youtube on a different forum :)


EDIT AGAIN - And let's not forget the most IMPORTANT video in all this... which is this!




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I don't get it, I try to keep my hair to stay attractive and then people suggest to put urine in my face and to stop having sex. Paradox? I think so.

Anyways if it really works I'd even put sh*t on my head every morning, however: pics or it didn't happen.

Green Soap

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ok, this is seriously my last post for some time, I didn't wanna get to involved but ok, I will take pics and eventually post them when I start having more substantial results.

I think it works because of the way it seems to normalize hormones, lower blood pressure, stress, and it's antiseptic/antifungal/antiinflammatory properties as well as depositing lots of nutrient to the scalp. I have no idea, that's all conjecture from what material I've read, but it also seems to be the way I feel physically responding to it. There is a definite positive affect on my body.

People have been brainwashed to believe against lots of things when profits were involved.

If I didn't think this was working I would have quit weeks ago. That's truly all for now, ttyl.


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we're not all closed off to this stuff - I'm v open ^^

Additionally and I know to some people this sounds crazy (and it sounds silly saying it after that League of Gentlemen clip!) but do you ever / have you ever drunk it, or only used topically? I hear positives about both but ofc would be considerably more hesitant about drinking lol xD

Green Soap

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OH and so important. This is something you can't do if you're taking medications, that would be so dangerous as it can amplify them in your system. This is pretty much for those who no longer want to take finasteride, etc. If you're interested, take the time to do your own research, there's a lot on the web, but there are also books that tell you how to properly do this.

Hoppi, I see by your response there that you are just skimming my response. If you read it over again you'll have the answer. k bye.


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wth said:
OH and so important. This is something you can't do if you're taking medications, that would be so dangerous as it can amplify them in your system. This is pretty much for those who no longer want to take finasteride, etc. If you're interested, take the time to do your own research, there's a lot on the web, but there are also books that tell you how to properly do this.

Hoppi, I see by your response there that you are just skimming my response. If you read it over again you'll have the answer. k bye.

Ah sorry man, I did actually read back over it again and spot where you mentioned about drinking it! Problem is I usually come on HairLossTalk.com on my phone, so I don't always see everything or am fully able to read everything word for word!

I tried the urine topical this morning, totally fine other than the smell which I'm sure I can still detect on myself :( I don't feel like it has gone away completely but then I have thick, long hair still.

I wonder if we can throw some lemon juice or something into the urine to kill the smell before applying it? I wonder if that would work and not in any way negatively affect things o_O

EDIT - Ah HA! JUST as I suspected! The lemon juice completely overpowers the smell, leaving only a pleasant citrusy aroma! xD

It's all falling into place... xD

Now let's just hope this craaaazy remedy actually works! I've heard many good things.

Incidentally lemon juice is also good for hair root strength and decreases dandruff apparently, so it's all win-win :)


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seaback said:
Hoppi said:
I tried the urine topical this morning

Are you really trolled that easily ?

Thing is I was actually rejecting the urine idea for quite a while - someone I know said it worked and kept saying I should do it (this was a while ago) THEN I saw that Youtube vid, then finally I saw this thread! It was one too many positives so I thought it might be worth a bash despite the stuff's lack of obvious antiandrogenic or stumulatory properties. The body is complex and it's very hard to predict for certain what will work and what won't. Weird thing is urine is supposed to be good for acne and stuff so there's obviously SOMETHING going on about this stuff o_O


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monty1978 said:
couple of years ago I tried urine therapy.

couldn't bring myself to drink it mind!

anyhow this guy isn't a troll. I washed with it and applied it topically in the morning and my skin never felt or looked better. trully!

Ultimately I gave up though cos I did find it to repugnant!

In my research this is what I found! Please scrutinise and show me any innacuracies.

Firstly, amnonic fluid surrounding the fetus is primarily urine!?

Urine is completly sterile!?

If its so bad, why do we ejaculate and urinate out of the same orrifice?

The bible (im an athiest) states drink water from thine on cistern!?

Gandi drunk it.

Indias prime minister drank it!?

Some world champion boxer (cant remember) admitted drinking it!

Peope have surived water shortages by drinking it! (that's a fact, im not asking)

other stuff I can;'t remember.

Just remember one of the purposes of semen is to actually protect sperm against urine.


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Right I'm doing this again lol, I had one night when I didn't (this is my second night doing it) but the reason I didn't is coz I got pretty drunk the night before lol - it probably would have been mostly alcohol xD

There's also Folligen spray up there and I'm using the Mega-Tek alternate nights. I wonder if there is ANY truth in this... how long did you do it for Monty and did you notice any positive changes on your hair?

Oh btw I'm just refridgerating the morning wee and using it before I go to bed lol, it's pretty gross whenever I do it but it feels SO much more gross in the morning lol