USA Today dissed my ***



A couple days ago USA Today, worthless drivel that calls itself a newspaper and my place of employment happens to subscribe to, did an article on all these famous sports figures and their elaborate hair styles. The jist of the article was that men in sports no longer simply buzz their heads or keep it short, but do all sorts of outlandish things with it. One of the article's salient messages was that hair can really define and distinguish a man.

And I'm losing mine in my early 20's!! AAAAA!! I, too, seek distinction. I, too, desire definition. I, too, am consumed by a vanity to be "attractive", despite my lack of presence in the world of collegiate and professional sports. Man, talk about insensitive.

USA Today totally dissed my ***. And I can't even throw a football 100 yards.

Who will right this wrong? What a stupid f-ing newspaper. What a stupid f-ing gene. I'm not sure what purpose male pattern balding serves, but it's sure as sh*t succeeding. I guess that's the definition of genetic success: continued existence within the gene pool. Lame.


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Clearly what they meant to say was that any slightly balding man can not distinguish themselves and that the only reason these athletes are good is because of their hair.


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I saw your avatar and was wondering, in the movie Boondock Saints, did the two guys start a fight in a pool hall, kick a lot of ***, and then later the dudes they beat up went to their apartment, handcuffing one of them to a toilet?

I saw a clip of a movie in which that happened, with 3 Doors Down "Superman" playing in the background, at a bar in Phoenix once, and never got the name of the movie. I really want to see that movie.

I'd appreciate it if you could let me know if that's the movie I'm thinking of or not.


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Yes elguapo that would be the movie, I highly recommend the movie as you will love it. Most people who see it start to like it in almost a cult type way. they even have a forum that I found when looking for the image lol. They supposedly just started a sequal.

not me!

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Most people dont realize that the guy with the darker hair in that movie is "Elliot" from E.T.


Clearly what they meant to say was that any slightly balding man can not distinguish themselves and that the only reason these athletes are good is because of their hair.

In fact, you've got the first part more or less right. They quoted a hairstylist several times as saying, "Women like hair," and nailed home the point that in the act of growing out their hair they were expressing themselves more individualistically than when they simply cut it all off. Their complete ommission of balding men of any sort was indicative of the point I made earlier. Furthermore, there's no such thing as slightly balding if you're balding--such as I am--in your early twenties. It's more of a "totally balding" kind of thing.


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I disagree with the last part of your statement about slighly balding as you can see i am 21 and i am slightly balding not totally bald as of yet. What I meant by my previous statement is that is a bunch of crap, and that article is clearly meant to satify the superficial people of this world who invest everything soley on their looks. I find that to be a far cry from the truth. You even said so yourself they quoted a hairstylist perhaps that would be the wrong person to quote as their job depends on hair. My gf is a hairstylist and she thinks I am crazy that I even care about my hairloss as she said it is natural. I personally find it just as individualistic if you can buzz your head or shave it that would be your choice and way of being an individual. I would even go as far as to say that it is more individualistic if one does shave their head as it is not a common practice and that person who does that chooses to stand out agains statis quo. And I agree with you that USA Today is a worthless paper, I have a few friends who are reporters/editors for a fairly large paper conglomerate and they seem to agree with you on this one.

Green Soap

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....Start an aggressive investment fund and just pour money into it so that in six or seven years you can afford to have your hair cloned.

In the meanwhile, get on the meds.

This is my plan.


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What you could do is take a big crap on a USA Today ..take a picture...and send it to them...either that or find the CEO's car and put some poo under his doorhandle.......Gotcha b**ch!!!!!!!!

The Gardener

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Ah, the ol' USA Today. Never read it.

The only time I see a USA Today is when I am on a business trip and leaving my hotel room in the morning. It's the obstacle on the floor that my hotel room door hits when I open it up in the morning on my way out to the office... and that is pretty much where it stays.


Yes, I agree with you all. In short, F USA Today. F it straight to hell.

You know, Kevin Smith's wife used to be a journalist for them. Does that imbue it with any vestige of value?