Used nizoral, 18 months post transplant - shedding


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Had a transplant 18 months ago, hair was beautiful up until a month ago when my dumbass decided to add nizoral to my regimen, suddenly I can't style my hair all spiked up anymore because my temples have thinned(no where near it use to be pre transplant tho)

Anyone experience this? It's just the transplanted area which has thinned, no where else. Is this common?


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it rele had no impact.... what you're experiencing is pseudo related hair loss from nizoral


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Probably just a coincidence that you are shedding. Nizoral is just a dandruff shampoo. If you condition your hair normally, it shouldn't matter, as far as styling. However, there's a chance you are having a reaction to one of the ingredients, so it's probably okay to stop using Nizoral, because any benefits are probably small anyhow. Your main weapons are Finasteride/Dutasteride, and Minoxidil. Nizoral isn't even close, in effectiveness. Maybe nice to add in, but not mandatory.