using finasteride with other medication, also high protein diet


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1) im on anti-biotics for acne as well as finasteride. can other medications impact the effectiveness of finasteride?

2) ive been hitting the gym 4x a week for the last few weeks, and am eating a lot of meats (chicken, tuna, etc) and taking a few protein shakes per day. is this likely to have any effect on my hairloss?



Youngukdude: between you and me, because everyone else is gonna laugh, I think proteins might have a connection with hair loss.

I have never ever had any problems with hairloss and my hairline today after shedding ALOT is close to four years ago (if you look at his pictures) and I´m 29.

Nov 2003 I thought, stop with cardio (I weigh 72kg/183cm) and go more with building muscle. I added alot of proteins and fats (or I ate alot of cashew nuts) to my diet and completly stopped with the cardio = four months of non stop shedding, which I didn´t notice because I had so much hair, I never even had a itchy scalp, well maybe some but not much.

In my life it´s pretty easy to see patterns. I´m very boring with food so I can tell you what I had for dinner the past 6 months, I live a very repetative life so I can point to things that have changed. What did change before my hairloss was no cardio, switched from carbs to proteins and got hooked on cashew nuts, put on some muscle and kept lean.


More cholesterol - which is what testosterone is made of
Less cardio - which presses down your testosterone
More proteins - which as far as I understand is only good for you?
More sleep - which was very nice :)


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huh? i dont quite get should have more or less cholesterol? and do more or less cardio? in terms of hair. ive done some weight training but i play a sports at quite a high level and this means i get intense cardiovascular exercise 6x a week.


I was thinking back to what had changed.

I think that I got more cholesterol from the cashew nuts and I know that cholesterol is what you build testosterone from (among other things) I also know that intense cardio lowers your testosterone levels.

I´m not sure about the protein link but I also added alot of proteins to my diet.


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ok...well ive got the cardio bit covered i least during the sports season. anyway, what about consuming more protein?


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I don't think so mate. Bodybuilders use huge amounts of anabolic steroids (the main form of which is just synthetic, injectible testosterone) and they take finasteride to counter the DHT buildup which would lead to much increased hairloss while they are juicing. They also, needless to say eat very high protein diets and train with weights a lot.

I know some a few of these guys first hand and even those with considerable hairloss do not experience any extra hairloss while using finasteride. Well, the few that I know anyway...

I think you're very safe.