Using In Suppelments Against Hair Loss


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hey guys

i make now my first regimen and add some suppelemts and i want your opinion and experience about them

so its the list

• msm
• l-argenine
• Vitamin D
• Omega 3
• Biotin



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Biotin seems to increase the cellular energy that goes into hair growth. Expect faster growth and more weight to the hair shaft. Vitamin D is good if you are deficient, and actually works nicely when added to shampoo or an oil massage too. Best to get some sunlight to get the full range of benefits. Omega 3 is going to be most useful if you lower your omega 6 intake as well. It is polyunsaturated and easily oxidized, so it's best to get it from fresh fatty wild fish. I take glucosamine with MSM and it doesn't seem to do much. I would recommend simply drinking more milk and eating more red meat for the benefits of L-arginine. A hefty intake of a broad range of amino acids is key.


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You have to also add these following things for making it better for hair growth:

1. Vitamin B

2. Vitamin C

3. Vitamin E

4. Iron

5. Zinc

6. Protein