UV light

somone uk

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i wonder why they haven't looked into this for male pattern baldness but sometimes prolonged UV exposure can cause people to grow pretty thick hair in that area it is seen as a nuisance when it happens in areas other than the scalp

Psoralen increases your skins sensitivity to UV radiation

http://www.alopeciaareatainfo.com/alope ... ment.shtml

there seems to be a miss print on the results
it says " * 4 of 7 patients with patchy alopecia
* 5 of 7 patients with alopecia totalis
* 2 of 7 patients with alopecia universalis
but the sample is actually "Out of these 23 patients, seven had patchy alopecia, thirteen had alopecia totalis and three had alopecia universalis. "

the sample size is small at best and it seems quite preliminary
i just wonder why no male pattern baldness tests were done :dunno: