V-shaped hairlines



I'm talking about V-shaped hairlines that make a V facing towards the hair. I have one. Who else does on here? I've seen them on people with no recession or hair loss and I tried to look the term up on google, and apparently it's the definition of a widow's peak. But i don't have a widow's peak and neither do some of the other people that I saw with v-shaped hairlines.

Some other kids I've seen have the straight boxy hairline, and some guys have the top half of a semicircle kinda hairline that girls seem to have a lot.

Here's my hairline for example. I don't think I am worse off than an NW2(you may disagree) but I still have that V-shape. Who else here has that?




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i have that! well i did 4 years ago

i would have unprotected sex with roadkill for that hairline


dietcola said:
i have that! well i did 4 years ago

i would have unprotected sex with roadkill for that hairline

i'd trade my hairline for yours if i could have your ex. SCHWING. would you trade your ex for it? surely that's better than unprotected sex with roadkill.

anyway if you are an nw2.5 as i said that maybe im only an nw1.5. probably not an nw1. maybe a nw2. who knows.


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The hairline shape is just another genetic trait, people have different ones there is no right or wrong growth style and wether yours is straight curved or v shaped has no bearing on wether you will suffer from m.p.b.


s.a.f said:
The hairline shape is just another genetic trait, people have different ones there is no right or wrong growth style and wether yours is straight curved or v shaped has no bearing on wether you will suffer from m.p.b.

so what norwood do you think i am? i think its tougher to tell with v shaped ones like mine since the hairline is already curved.


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Yours is better than Johnny Knoxvilles so 1.5 not yet a 2 (pretty good!)


s.a.f said:
Yours is better than Johnny Knoxvilles so 1.5 not yet a 2 (pretty good!)

thanks this is what i thought. can you explain why though? is it because the temples haven't really formed an island in front like in knoxville's, but have still receded a little bit on each side? like what would i look like with an nw1? the tops of the temples would still have hair?

if only i had gotten on the drugs 2 years ago instead of last year.


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Dont worry about it your hair is great, nobody would think that you had any loss there are 15 yr olds with less hair than that.


s.a.f said:
Dont worry about it your hair is great, nobody would think that you had any loss there are 15 yr olds with less hair than that.

alas, i am diffuse for 3 inches behind the hairline, saf. if rogaine does not fill it in I WILL be looking into an hair transplant. the webcam pictures make my hair look much better than it actually is, anyway.

my hair looks like a war zone when it's wet and messed up. i'd trade my hair for knoxville's in a second. i have a better hairline but he is much, much thicker behind it.


here's a pic of me from september with my hair like i described, saf. it has improved a lot but here's what i was dealing with. it's still only about half fixed. dry it looks great, wet- NO lol. i'm gonna have to apply minoxidil to that whole fookin area.



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Well diffuse loss is better than plain recession, as its only visible from close up.


s.a.f said:
Well diffuse loss is better than plain recession, as its only visible from close up.

and hopefully respond better to treatments lol. but we will see. there is a lot of work to be done=).