Validity to Scalp Excercise Theory


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I've searched the internet for hair loss remedies and I came across this site:

Tom Hagerty, the gentleman who created the site claims that his scalp exercises can slow down and stop hair loss. Here is an excerpt from his site:

"I arrived at the idea of the scalp exercise after I noticed that bald men like my father and all my uncles had a fringe of hair surrounding the balding area. I also noticed that when these men were eating, when they were chewing food, I could see muscles contracting under this fringe of hair. I thought that the contraction of these muscles and the increased blood flow that muscle contraction requires was perhaps halting further hair loss in this fringe area. "The supply of blood to a contracting muscle is ten times greater than normal."

There is a picture of Tom on the site (with a nice head of hair) and he claims that his scalp exercise halted his hairloss over 50 years ago (he's in his 70's now). He said he does them every day. It took over 8 months before he saw any progress. He is selling a $25 tape or cd on how to do the exercises. He said it's hard to start using the muscles in the head voluntarily and that it takes time to get use to.

Has anyone ever tried this? I would like some feed back on this. I also liked his theory on why his scalp exercise will work. It made sense to me although I believe the hair in the back of the head is different than the hair on the top of the head. There are testimonials on his site that his exercise works (for all I know the testimonials could be from family members).


I don't think there are many people who claim it works. The sucess rate is not that high tbh.