various product questions


New Member
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I'm using dutasteride for 4 month and revivogen for about 1 month. So far just more loss. I have shoulder length hair, so its very noticeable when it falls out. Losing in the front a bit, but now I'm noticing it advancing. Thining on top when its wet. Its only noticable if I have it back. When its down its ok. Also, the front area is growing slower than the back.
I saw a few other products. Melancor ( ). I read alot of good things about the laser comb, but its very expensive.
Anyone having any luck just stopping more loss and maintaining. How long did it take for people to see results with revivogen?


Senior Member
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Try staying on the dutasteride for a year then if that does not work for you try adding minoxidil to the regime. why are you on revivogen! it's for DHT inhibiting. I think you have got it covered with the dutasteride. I think what you are going through is called a shed, try clicking on the word shed to find out about what is going on. I would like to know how bad your hair was before you started the dutasteride.


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My hair wasn't very bad. Hairline and temples were receding a bit, but it was thick enough that you couldn't really tell. Now the thinning has gotten much worse where it has become visible. My scalp is also very oily, and I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the shedding/loss.