Vellous Hairs?


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What is this, i looked around but could not find an explanation?


Also curious about pigmetted Hairs?


These are thin white hairs at the very last stage of male pattern baldness. These are hairs that have shrunken over time after being attacked by DHT.


...or the very fine un-pigmented (without colour) tiny hairs that start to grow under the influence of hair loss medications.

These vellus hairs can eventually become thicker and pigmented with continued use of the medications.

Pigmented hair is hair with natural colour.

When you get old your hair can lose it's pigment and turn white (grey hair)


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thanks for the response,

Right now, i am in month 2 1/2 of minoxidil and have been using Propecia for 2 years now, and i am without a doubt seeeing small hairs growing in my temple area, quite a few to be honest, they are very smal but are brown, the same color as my hair, im %99 positive these were not here previously,

I am also using folligen or tricomin, one or the other about 4 nights a week.

Is this possible? or are these more than likely vellous hairs, i was sort of happy when i 1st spotted them, but then read a post on the vellous hairs and got worried thats what they were, but they are most definalty brown



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I'm getting a ton of these too on my temples. They're still very fine, and very short, but my temples are starting to fill up with these. I hvaen't seen them become anything besides mini hairs yet though... here's hoping.


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Deaner said:
I'm getting a ton of these too on my temples. They're still very fine, and very short, but my temples are starting to fill up with these. I hvaen't seen them become anything besides mini hairs yet though... here's hoping.

How long ago did you notice yours ?

And how long has it been since they have grown


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That's the thing. This "phenomenon" began about a month ago, and since then I haven't seen them grow any longer, there's just been a few more of them. They've done absolutely nothing for making my temples fill in.


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Deaner said:
That's the thing. This "phenomenon" began about a month ago, and since then I haven't seen them grow any longer, there's just been a few more of them. They've done absolutely nothing for making my temples fill in.

1 more question, lol

how long into your regimen did these mystery hairs decide to make an appearance


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tynanW said:
Deaner said:
about 6.5-7 months in.

Deaner, surely you mean 6.5 - 7 minutes? :)

(only joking!!)


P.S. is that you in your avatar?

LOL!! Deaner I'm not having a go at you but you did report vellus hair after about 1 month after starting treatments? Am i wrong? If I am I'm sorry.


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Hey idiots, wake up and read the thread. What he's reporting isn't vellous hair. It's more than that, and that's what I'm reporting right now. Get a life.


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Since the new hairs are brown, is this a good thing?

whats weird though is im only noticing them in my temple area, and thats the area that has been pretty much nothing for 5+ Years now, the front area im not seeing as much, maybe they are there i just cant see them as well cause i have more hair there


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Hey Deaner and Yuppy75,

After I read this thread I decided to check out my scalp to see if I had somewhat of the same thing going on. Now, I usually just leave things alone, I dont stare in the mirror for hours or look at my hair from every angle. Any who, I went to the kitchen where the light is very bright and sure enough, small freaking thin hairs growing along my hairline! I think that these are possibly hairs that have shed and will take time to grow thicker, if they are truly reaping the benefit of Propecia or minoxidil or even both. It will be a matter of time to see what will come out of it, but ill keep you guys posted.



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Deaner said:
Hey idiots, wake up and read the thread. What he's reporting isn't vellous hair. It's more than that, and that's what I'm reporting right now. Get a life.

Wow! Come down Deaner! No need for namecalling here.


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No no no....straight propecia my friend.


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same here, i started on propecia for 2 years, now im messing with all this other crap


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Oh, okay, your post made it sound like you yourself were experiencing regrowth from propecia and/or minoxidil, but I was like "when did you add the minoxidil?" Turns out you weren't talking about yourself :p


Deaner said:
Hey idiots, wake up and read the thread. What he's reporting isn't vellous hair. It's more than that, and that's what I'm reporting right now. Get a life.

sh*t!! Deaner it was only a joke!!

No offense intended :freaked: