Vellus hair...


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This is probably one of this biggest issues for a lot of guys (especially guys on minoxidil) but I just wanted to get everyones take on the transition of vellus hair to terminal hairs. I am a N2>3 and I have been holding steady for a long time, but my hairloss has been very slow for a few years. I started using minoxidil awhile back and I have been able to stabilize for the most part, but my last task is doing something about the dense amount of vellus hair at my temples. I cut my hair very short, (1/4inch) and I have light hair. The weird part is, the area of vellus hair is so dense, is almost looks normal, but when you look close it is very fine, wispy, and barely grows (I usually just cut around it because it hardly grows at all. I am sure the minoxidil is holding it in place, but I was wondering what everything thinks is the most effective way to support the transition since there is obviously still active follicles here. What do you guys recommend?

Any specific topicals? Dermaroller? etc.

*Recently discovered application miracle: for any of you guys with short hair, or have areas you want to hit specifically, I accidentally stumbled upon something pretty awesome. I had the idea to fill a women's perfume 'roller' applicator with topical I use at the hairline and this is working insanely well for me. No Mess, perfect aim. The only issue is that they don't hold a lot of liquid.


New Member
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good idea! have to try this with my next batch of cetirizine solution because i only apply it at the front.


Experienced Member
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I have read studies recently that said retinA when used with minoxidil enhances growth all over the scalp, not just the vertex. I don't have the link but
I'm sure if you Google it you can find it. I know when I had some of my best growth in the frontal areas I was using Retin A so it might be worth
a shot. And of course Cetrizine, but that is still very experimental, retin A is backed up by studies.