Venting Post


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First off, I want to ask a question.

When I first started finasteride, Jayman sort of knew exactly when I started. Do you still remember the exact date Jayman? Because I've lost track of when I started.

Secondly. I feel as if my hair is getting worse. I don't know if it's because I take pictures at varying stages after hair-cuts. But when I take photos, the hair looks thinner on top now, compared to in the past.

Hair is still falling out in the shower. No idea how many as it just makes me upset and angry to count and then go through the head again scouting for more lost hairs.

I always feeling self conscious now when I go out, especially if it is a sunny day. I hope everyday that things will improve, but they just seem to be getting worse. Not much worse, but noticeably (for me).

I think I've been on finasteride for 3 to 4 months now, but I'm not sure. I know I have to keep using it for about a year before I know whether I'm a good responder or not, so I'll keep going with it. Just I hoped that by 2007, I'd have something to tick off my worry list. I'd hoped it would be hairloss, but it seems it isn't so.


person_123 said:
Hair is still falling out in the shower. No idea how many as it just makes me upset and angry to count and then go through the head again scouting for more lost hairs.


Lol, this sounds so familiar. Showering used to make me really mad when I first noticed my hair loss. Though nowadays I have managed to control myself and don´t watch my hands after shampooing anymore. It has helped me so far.

I also know how depressing it is to take pictures and see your hair worse every time. In a few days I will make my six month update and I am already scared to look at the pics and see how much my hair has deteriorated again.

All I can do so far is hoping that finasteride starts working soon......


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Taug, if that is a picture of you in your avatar, then I think you have nothing to worry about, it doesn't look like you're thinning at all.


See, that´s what I like about this picture. It looks as if I am not thinning at all. But this is far from the truth. During the last 2 years I have lost about 50% of my original density. I am thinning at an incredible pace and I can only hope that the treatments start working soon....