Vertical strip harvesting?


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I had FUT strip four years ago due to cost and all the graft took and they clinic made a nice blended in patch of transplants but what I hadn't counted on was the HORIZONTAL strips closure dragging my hairline back so I got an even higher forehead than previously!
This defeated some of my aim in having transplants.
because of this when I needed more I chose FUE with Jinimed but the surgeon refused to put the follicles where I wanted so I still don't have the coverage I want.
(Can I explain that my name wygirl is because I'm a MtF transsexual and legally female but physically my hairline is original male and this is why I post in this section and not the female one).

I still need more transplants but can't have FUT and taking FUE from one area will now be impossible as well as needed another few months wearing a wig!

So what I am now seeking is a surgeon or clinic who can do a little lateral thinking and instead of taking just one horizontal strip of FUT would instead take several smaller 45degree sloping strips from above the ears?
Taking such strips would allow the surrounding hair to fall naturally and cover the donor sites until and after they heal.

I think small strips say 4/5 centimetrs tall and about 0.7 wide (1.25 inches by 1/4 inch) would by careful separation of follicles give several hundred follicles that would give a good coverage where I need them.

Alternatively I think it should be possible to do the same with FUE by shaving small 45degree areas to harvest follicles from.

But is there a surgeon or clinic who will attempt this or do they think that it would be too time consuming?