very Important Q: Anyone didnt expereince propecia shedding?


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i noticed that a lot of ppl complain about this shedding associated with propecia...But why wasnt it admitted by Merc?...anyone didnt expereince it......pls reply....Currentl i am 8 weeks on propecia and i see a decrese in my hair loss during shower....unless i really scratch my scalp i can see some hair.....why is this so?..but overall my hair feels thicker in the wet...

what does this mean....will i expereince the dreaded shedding later on?


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Maybe, maybe not. Not everyone experiences shedding.


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well it seems that people with problems only post in this forum....those who went smoothly dont gives an overall negative effect in the forums?

i guess Merc or some independent body should do a survet similar to the propecia 5 year trials and post a result....

Pirate Commander F.B.

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Well I'm 8 months on finasteride. I don't think I've seen shedding. If it has happened, it was nothing like the shedding I got with minoxidil (taking a bath and sitting in pool of your own hair after you shampoo is quite a disturbing experience I can tell you).

Fallout Boy

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6 months on propecia and i have not shed once .. but my hair is still thinning on and a little behind my hairline ... PLEASE WORK PROPECIA!!!!!!


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I would say the majority of finasteride users will not experience a finasteride induced shed.

the majority of hair loss forum posts will experience a finasteride induced shed.

Red Rose

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Why the worry about shedding?

IMO finasteride induced shedding is a good sign most of the time because finasteride is causing vellous hairs to go into the resting phase so that regrowth of the vellous hairs will be thicker and stronger.

Weak hair keeps recycling so sheding on finasteride shouldn't be regarded as a bad thing.


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Guest said:
I would say the majority of finasteride users will not experience a finasteride induced shed.

the majority of hair loss forum posts will experience a finasteride induced shed.

How do u know?


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well the shedding could be of good sign in fact it means that propecia is also means that people notice the increased amt of she induced is cause more of their hair was in the loss phase.....which is why the shedding gives an overall notion of being worst....this also means that these people if they didnt take propecia will get bald soon enough?


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also another Q.....i dont feel the ichiness anymore only once in a while....still not clear what the itchiness plays in hair loss..could someone care to explain?