Very Interesting article on DHT inhibition-What do u think?


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Read this article.

It basically states the positive and crucial effects of DHT and the consequences of its suppression. It concludes by saying,

"Clearly we should realize that there is a lot more to dihydrotestosterone than just side effects. The formation of this hormone in the human body plays a crucial role in several areas, including sexual functioning, the maintenance and functioning of the central nervous system, and support of bone density and muscle mass. "

And this artcile

It concludes by saying,

"What I specifically mean here are the effects of DHT on the central nervous system, which lead to increased neurological efficiency (strength), and increased resistance to psychological and physical stress - not to mention optimal sexual function and libido."

Bryan and anyone else- What do you guys think? Is it safe to take Propecia in light of all this? Or are the effects on Finasteride far more reaching than commonly known? Basically, should i even continue taking this drug?


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Why should the authors be any wiser than any of us?
I mean, I don't se a medical degree around their necks.


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Actually, has brought up this article before to back up his opinion that DHT is not useless. It's likely that it does have some important functions in the body. Is it critical for survival though? I doubt it.


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Let's face it. Our shells (bodies) are outdated. We are LONG overdue for an upgrade. Skin that rips and wrinkles, bones that break, eyes that go bad, HAIR that won't stay on our damned heads!

What the hell? Beetles have tougher bodies than we do! I demand an upgrade NOW! :protest:


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True, there are plenty of areas for improvement on the human body.

I don't think taking proscar is to bad on the body as a certain percentage of DHT still gets through, but with Avodart, well, that is a different story.. i would be more worried if i took that.


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Petchsky, are you by any chance, a busboy?


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Yardbird said:
Actually, has brought up this article before to back up his opinion that DHT is not useless. It's likely that it does have some important functions in the body. Is it critical for survival though? I doubt it.
I think it really depends on the person. Its really well established that some guys literally sense nothing when popping a propecia pill. Other guys get severe migraines (me) within 2 days on the stuff, to the point that im laid out on the couch in fetal position unable to move without throwing up from the head pain. One of those articles mentions that it is really dependant upon how much the person relies on DHT for libido, and tissue functioning.


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I believe I could eat a bowl of Finasteride for breakfast and be fine.


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To be honest i think our bodies are perfect i mean when you guys say stuff like our bodies getting wrinkled and eyes going notice how none of this happens under 18(yes sometimes).......thats when our bodies go to sh*t

Wonder why?


Established Member
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It has been suggested by some scientists that we are programmed with a "death" gene. That actually would be nice, as all we would have to do is locate it and eliminate it.

I believe that for whatever reason (s) our systems fall prey to mutations within our genes over time that cause the aging process. They just can't seem to work well for very long. They work long enough for us to reproduce and raise our young to where they can survive on their own. Very interesting. We have these carbon "super computers" in our skull, but our carbon "machines" that they control last, relatively speaking, for just a miniscule amount of time. In the big scheme of things we only exist for a flash. Pretty F*** up!



Some people are blessed that there bodies stay together. I think I am one of them. At nearly 36 I am in good shape. People say I'm under 30 sometimes.

I will get better as I get older. Just like a nice 19 year old malt


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I DO eat a bowl of propecia for breakfast every morning. Pretty bland tasting though. No problems with my body so far though.


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Trax...........Positive thinking certainly cannot hurt , however, you only have about 15 more "good" years left. Think about it.........we should be able to live 360 years and look like 30 year olds. It's ridiculous how short of a period of time we have. When you really contemplate it, you can gain a good amount of solace from the fact that before you know it, you're gonna be what the F**K, why get upset about anything! Enjoy what you can, when you can.

..................I may found the "What the F**K Society for Life Enrichment"! :toma:

George Costanza

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The human body is just like cars. After time, your sh*t just starts falling apart.

Grandfather time is a bastard. :evil:


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0 do you like the laser comb? I was thinking about investing in one. Would you recommend it? How well does it work? Does it regrow hair or just help you maintain what you have? Did it cause a shed? Can you use it more than they recommend?

I've read the laser site, but would like to hear from a consumer. Thanks.