very quick question


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0.625 finasteride daily

is it better to;

A) take a 1/4 proscar every other day


B) take an 1/8th daily

both getting the same dosage over the 2 days but is there an issue with consistency? god knows what i would do without the advice on this site. i find it amazing how the issue of male pattern baldness within GP clinics in the UK is so awfull, my GP doesnt have a clue about propecia, hence i have to ask you guys these questions so i really do apologise.



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I think the answer depends greatly from person to person, and also has something to do with the half life of finasteride. I personally have taken .5mg every other day, and .25 a day, and noticed very little difference in either. I noticed the same amount of hair in the shower, or on my pillow... very little. Again taking it daily, as opposed to every other day, would even out the dosage and any possible side effects... but it might not be as convenient an option either.