Visibley seeing how stress causes hair loss

The Rock

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If anyone has watched kobe bryant this year, you will notice that he is very very noticble losing his hair. Both recession and thinning. I mean many things OBVIOSLY contribute to hairloss, but if we look at Kobe look at what he had to face this year.

1. Caught cheating on his wife
2. Having to discuss his wife about his cheating
3. Going to court
4. Possibley being convicted of rape
5. Losing all his sponserships
6. Mad pressure from the media and also blamed for lakers/shaq prob
7. Constantly being considered a "bad guy" from here on out

If that can't be stress making your hair fall out then i dont know what is. Grantd there is probobloy other things contributing to his hair loss, but still stress HAS to be a factor


Senior Member
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Or it could be that he is just getting older? Look at Scott Peterson -- he had it worse than Kobe. And his hair stuck with him until the very end.


The Rock

Established Member
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ya but scott peterson looked lke he didn't givee a sh*t/affect him if u looked at his smugness the hole time..........kobe was visibly more affected