vitaflux, anyone tried it...


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it is supposed to contain 2,5% minoxidil and the same amount of vitamin A , but the topical solution and application process? is special in the way it will penetrate your scalp theorically 11 times better.....
therefore you can also use it supposedly only once per day (at night)

did you guys think it could be relevant as a regrowth stimulator? or just bullshit?

I'm looking after some stuff more powerfull or efficient than minoxidil.. but without much fside effects when stopping... (which is unlikely with xandrox 15 right?)


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ok, I'm sort of enthusiast about trying the dermaroller - I just realised its a european product so I might not get much feedback about the whole thing! :l - (which is the absorption enhancent tool) alone! because the other part of vitaflux, remiflux, is basically just minoxidil in poorer quantity because the maximised absorption process doesnt need you to contunie taking 5% minoxidil 2 times a day

a little caculus
5% minoxidil 2 times a day = 2,5% factor 4 a day
2,5% minoxidil (reminux) + dermaroller = supposidly 2,5% factor 11 a day

I have about 3 to 4 bottles of 5% minoxidil on my hands so Im bonna forget about the vitamin A thing and just stick with my minoxidil to which Ill add the dermaroller... once a day..

which should make a virtual effectiveness factor of 22 lol... but once again this might be big bullshit eh?
however Im ready to try as I'm enthusiast about the idea of perforating skin so the topical solutions gets more easily to the root of your cells.... it does make sense to me and that company SEEM trustable in numerous fields since their roller are used by doctors or clinics for other purposes than hair loss already here in europe...

I'll be your martyr, servant, if I get results I'll post them back :l

PS: that fakir style shitnits make even more sense to me since, I for one, put three topical solutions a day on my scalp - 2 times minoxidil, and 1 time revivogen. plus other stuff
sometimes it felt like I had some layers of "topics dirt" of my scalp really... because I have some sort of weird crusts falling if I scratch (not scratch but heck..) my scalp... which makes me really think all those topics DO interact in the way too much product on your skin obstructs its pores and at the end of the day (and day by day) adding more topicals is kind of a bit pointless.... and also due to the knowledge skin absorbs very few topics because it does have protective layers... therefore I *want* to believe that that puncturing roller will do me good as the company claims...



That doesnt quite sound or look right to me. How can the roller effect how much minoxidil is absorbed into the scalp. A dropper would have just as much accuracy if not more when trying to get it directly on the scalp. The roller looks like it would be harder to control the minoxidil, plus you would be rollin the sh*t all over your hair rather than your scalp. I f you are hell bent on rolling on your minoxidil go to home depot and get a wallpaper roller and save yourself a couple of bucks...


Established Member
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Thats obviously not the same guy in the pictures, so no f*** that product theyre advertising false results. And why does he have a large purple spot on his head. He needs to do something about that and then worry about his hairloss....


Established Member
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Thats obviously not the same guy in the pictures, so no f*** that product theyre advertising false results. And why does he have a large purple spot on his head. He needs to do something about that and then worry about his hairloss....