Want People To Not Notice Your Baldness? Simple- Be An Ugly Fat Slob


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Searching for an answer, but don't like treatments, transplants, rugs, hats?

A new solution is right under our noses:


I knew a lot about Weinstein before he's been plastered all over the news, and I've known people on the fringes of acting success who have previously acknowledged that he's the "open secret" of lecherous sexual abuse, but anyway, I'm used to his image. I've known it for years.

What I never really thought about, because he's so damn unaesthetic, is his baldness.

Now that there's constant images of him on TV (I've had Sky news on TV with friends all morning and afternoon while doing other stuff on phone/laptop and we just realised that it's been literally 90% Weinstein, it's insane, like nothing else is happening right now) I'm realising just how bad his hair is, and how it's not even noticeable. His crown is absolutely bare and the size of an entire hand but it's not even noticeable on him, and if he was like, Bradley Cooper or something, this would be incredibly obvious.

It's actually even hard to find clear images of just how bald Weinstein is, it's more obvious in videos and interviews. It's absolutely baffling, but here's his crown like 2 decades ago:


It's even worse now, but google some pictures of him and you'll see what I mean about how hard it is to see truly exposing pictures of his baldness.

Incredibly, because he's so awful looking, I've actually never associated him with baldness. Even in my constant thoughts about baldness, when he comes into my head I never think "completely diffuse NW4 with zero crown" like I would for anyone else in such a way. I can see my hair going like his actually, if un-treated, and it would be a lot more damn obvious (which is probably why I'm bitter about him getting away with it and writing this topic).

So every cloud has a silver lining.

Being a fat disgusting looking slob is obviously not a choice anyone would make, but at least he's not "bald". If anyone really hates the idea of being bald more than anything, it's easy, become incredibly unaesthetic facially, do whatever you can to get adult acne, eat constant sugar and don't wash your face, put on tons of weight, develop a rapey thousand yard stare, and you may be a lot of things, but "bald" will not be one of them.

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My Regimen
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Still a bald pig, but oh boy he gets a lot of pussies


Senior Member
My Regimen
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brb adopt this advice


My Regimen
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Looks-tanking truly is the blackest pill. I never even noticed that this dude was "bald" until your post.

Mind boggling isn't it? It just hit me like a train watching him turn around under harsh lighting and the noted the size of his crown, then I was like, "wait a f*****g minute! That crown is his whole damn head!! WTF"

That was recent footage, he's now like completely bald, shaved right down to just a bit of stubble and yknow what? Somehow he still doesn't even really look that bald!

Absolutely baffling.


I mean he does look bald here, worst one I could find to truly expose it, but Google Weinstein 2017 and in most pictures unless you really look at his hair, he still seems like a guy who isn't bald. He still somehow gives that impression.

It's like an optical illusion.


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My Regimen
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I noticed the same thing but my conclusion was that the tiny bit of hair he has left gives that slight edge and coverage to avoid the "bald f***" thought when looking at him.


I mean looking at this pic he has that tiny bit of facial framing that we might be able to call a hairline which goes a long way despite being very little.


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Jon Favreau (director, actor) has a similar trajectory.

He is actually pretty handsome, but "unoticeable" when he's fat

When he is slim, he has enough symmetry to probably date supermodels.

I think the overall principal is "blob that goes unoticed"



My Regimen
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Angry ungroomed face + military uniform sometimes help shift attention from balding head.




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Facial proportion i guess, given that puffy cheeks looks and scalp surface seems relatively small


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It's not that baffling. I see a lot of older men who have the same amount of hair loss yet somehow they don't look bald.

The key is facial dimensions.
In Weinstein's case..

His lower two thirds are larger then his upper one third (forehead).
Couple that with a forehead that fits nicely inside his cheekbones (from frontal view).
It, fortunately for him, tapers in as it rises and is far from imposing.
It stops him looking like an awkward genetic mistake or a lonely pedo.

And as another member mentioned... He has just enough hair on top to save his groping *** from being seen as a "bald groper."
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