want to add Juveline, Nanoscalp....advice needed


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Hi all,

Currently, I have been on the following treatments.

Propecia (since almost 3.5 years).
Tricomin (3.5 years)
SuperZix II(5 months)

I was an excellent responder to propecia and it worked great till 6 months ago. I have seen a steady and somewhat rapid drop in its effectiveness and wanted to boost it with a topical. So I added superZix II after a lot of research. It has been a decent addition but I feel like my hair loss is still progressing faster than I would have hoped. I researched a lot, read a lot of posts on this forum from Bcapop, Jacob and few other well informed posters. I was thinking on adding the following

Juveline (4 days a week)
Nanoscalp (daily)

and maybe even Zarmazor. If I add both of them, do I still need to keep SuperZix II in the regimen? Will both Juveline and Nanoscalp together provide very good DHT inhibiting properties. I was also a little tempted by

http://skinactives.com/products/hair_serum.htm (because of KGF and SOD)

The only problem with the above is that it is not nano encapsulated. Will it be a good addition?

The other issue I have is overkill. I don't want 4 or 5 topicals all canceling out each other. I know that Juveline and Nanoscalp go well with each other. Which topicals should I go with? If I do go with the new additions, can I drop SuperZix II or Tricomin or both?




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Well, i'm a user for some months ago of that regime (Juveline/Nanoscalp)...i use Juveline as the top product, 4 times a week, and Nanoscalp the rest of the days...it stoped my hair loss to a minimum expression, it still didn't gave me regrowth, but it's to early for that...my scalp is in top conditions, like never before, the people of Elsom are always great, Dr Elsom is someone with good credentials, and the products have a such large spectrum of thing covered (anti DHT, stimulants like cactus mucilage/green coffe beans, anti oxidants, even have good reported Zinc Oxide, or a special copper peptides), that i don't think you need anything else...but the serum from skinactives, is also very good and has KGF, so if adding some other, choose that one...IMHO, of course.


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...and another correction, in the words of Dr Yechiel, the copper present in Juveline, it's not stabilized by peptides, but by another not revealed and Elsom exclusive way.


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Hi Toivonen:

Thanks for the quick reply. I have a couple of questions. If I understand you right, you are saying that I can drop Tricomin as Juveline consists of copper (not in peptide form, however). Will it be as effective as copper peptides in scalp maintenance?

Secondly, Super Zix II contains polysorbate 80, Zinc Sulfate, B6, polysorbate 80 and liquid beta sitosterol/saw palametto extract and concentrate. I see that Juveline has Zinc (as Zinc Oxide) but I don't see it having Polysorbate 80, B6 and beta sitosterol. Does it matter if I drop Super Zix II because I will be losing all those ingredients. Would it matter if I kept SuperZix II or is it overkill?

I was thinking that I would use the following topicals:

1.) Super Zix II (once in morning and once at night)
2.) Juveline (once at night - 4 times a week)
3.) Nanoscalp (once at night - every day)
4.) Hair Serum (once in morning)

However, if Juveline/Nanoscalp will compensate for Super Zix II, I will drop it.



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Mind you, i'm no EXPERT or pretend to be in questions of hair loss, oposite to what many try and pretend to be, nevertheless i'm an informed person about the subject, and most important of all, try to speak with the ONES who do have that knoledge...and i'm also a user, of curse... :) ...now, about your questions:

Altough not independently stated in the list of ingredients, both Juveline as Nanoscalp, have a large and efective number of elements, both in the forme of extracts of naturals as in other forms, that have strong Anti aromatase and DHT inhibition, and that are rich in Beta Sitosterol...that's why IMHO that side will be covered by both those products( you can consult this page http://skincare-cosmeceuticals.com/form ... ?board=9.0, as well as do a search in google, regarding the diferent ingredients, and theire properties), also the action of Polysorbate, it's much well done by phosphatidylcholine, and others...about the copper element, i'm not saying you can substitue or that this form is as effective, or the oposite...of course it's my believe that it's a great element, that to my knoledge have been mastered in such good way by Elsom, that it can even coexist with the Zinc (in the form of Nano Zinc-Oxide)...so what i think about this form of copper, it's that it had great atention from Elsom, to achieve this format, and as it also has the usual benefits of copper as element, i don't see why it can't be as efective (and therefore, an alternative) as the form of copper present in Tricomin.

So again, and IMHO, i think you should try Juveline as top, Nanoscalp in alternace, and if adding anything more, that the Skinactives KGF hairserum, it's a good choice (mainly because of KGF element)...Good LUCK


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toivonen...are you still using your original batch of Juveline or have you ordered some recently? The spread-ability issue seems to have been solved, but it'll be awhile before I'll need to order again.


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Hi Jacob...yes, i'm still using my original batch...you were right, these Elsom products seem to las forever...fortunelly! :)
I'm almost at the end, and in 2-3 weeks i'll be ordering more Juveline, and really hopping to see how the new batch is in terms of spreadability, cause that was the weakest point of the product....i'll report it at soon as a lay my hands on it :)