Want To Appear More Intelligent, Influential, Educated And Honest? Lose Your Hair.


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I’m sure some of you will have fun deconstructing this piece but the choice quote is below. Any merit to this at all?

There’s mounting evidence that bare heads aren’t a spectacular evolutionary accident after all. Bald men are seen as more intelligent, dominant and high status; their shiny scalps may help them to seduce women or even save lives.



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I read the article.

It is hardly news that a bald head receives more vitamin D. So I do believe that there might be some hidden advantages in baldness.

But, really, Bruce Willis again? Who, in 2018, still thinks Bruce Willis is a good example of a successful bald man?

1. He became an actor when he had hair

2. He looks good bald because his characters are the perfect representation of the strong, virile man. Like the Rock and Statham. Will he or Rock or Statham will get more complex roles like - to name one - Titanic's Jack? Without hair?
Come on. This is real life, not a Hollywood Blockbuster.


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It's a load of bollocks. These articles are only ever designed to make baldie slapheads feel better about themselves — and the people who are going that way.

Like Infinitepain alluded to, if you're going to attract young women, your chances of attracting that 18–24 category are pretty much screwed as a bald or balding soon-to-be penis head. Yes, as you get to 40 when realistically you're going after 35-year-olds, you stand more chance. But let's be honest, you want a young bird — someone who is not over the hills and past it and is only attracted to you because her own market value has diminished and she can't get anyone else.